FIELD  Examples

Servers:  Image   Query   Feature   Extract   ArcMap  
Parent elements:  FCLASS   FEATURE   FIELDS   SQVAR  

<FIELD Attribute Description Table

     When parent element is FIELDS:
     name ="string"
     value ="string"

     When parent element is SQVAR, FCLASS, FEATURE:
     name ="string"
     type ="-99 | -98 | -5 | -7 | 1 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 12 | 91"
     precision ="integer"
     size ="integer"

     When parent element is FEATURE:
     <FIELDVALUE... />

     When parent element is SQVAR, FIELDS, FCLASS:
          No Child Elements

Bold: Attribute or child element is required.




Attribute Descriptions for FIELD:

When parent element is FIELDS:
Attribute Usage Back to Top
name Name of field in database.
value Returns value from database field.

When parent element is SQVAR, FCLASS, FEATURE:
Attribute Usage Back to Top
name Name of field in database.
precision Field precision as defined in database. Equal to number of decimal places.
size Field size as defined in database. Must be 0 for shape fields.
type Refers to the data type of the field as listed in the following table:

Type Value Definition of Value
-99 Row_id fields.
-98 Shape fields.
-7 Boolean fields (true | false).
-5 Big integer fields. Values can range between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807 or 0 and 18446744073709551615.
1 CHAR fields. A value of 1 may be used in stored queries for strings in DBF files. After a stored query has been created and saved in ArcIMS Author, the value of 1 can be replaced with the value of 12. In stored queries using strings, 1 and 12 are interchangeable.
4 Integer fields. Values can range between -2147483648 and 2147483647 or 0 and 4294967295.
5 Small integer fields. Values can range between -32768 and 32767 or 0 and 65535.
6 Float fields. Values are single-precision floating-point numbers with allowable values between -3.402823466E+38 and -1.175494351E-38, 0, and between 1.175494351E-38 and 3.402823466E+38.
8 Double fields. Values are double-precision floating-point numbers with allowable values between -1.7976931348623157E+308 and -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, and between 2.2250738585072014E-308 and 1.7976931348623157E+308.
12 String fields of any length.
91 Date fields.


Examples for FIELD:

Example 1: When in a stored query in CONFIG. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" />
      <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" />
      <SCREEN dpi="96" />
        <ENVELOPE minx="-141.0030059814453" miny="41.9133186340332" maxx="-52.62028121948242" maxy="83.10832214355469" name="Initial_Extent" />
        <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
        <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" />
        <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
        <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="<path to CANADA ESRIDATA>" />
      <LAYER type="featureclass" name="province" visible="true" id="0">
        <DATASET name="province" type="polygon" workspace="shp_ws-0" />
          <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL filltransparency="1.0" fillcolor="127,127,127" />
        <EXTENSION type="StoredQuery">
            <STOREDQUERY name="Provinces">
              <QUERY where="( NAME = &apos;[%var%]&apos; )" subfields="#SHAPE# AREA CODE NAME POP1991 POP91_SQMI" />
              <SQVAR position="0" name="[%var%]">
                <FIELD name="NAME" precision="0" type="12" size="25" />

Example 2: When in a SERVICEINFO response. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
        <LOCALE language="en" country="US" />
        <UIFONT name="Arial" color="0,0,0" size="12" style="regular" />
        <SEPARATORS cs=" " ts=";"/>
        <CAPABILITIES forbidden="" disabledtypes=""/>
        <SCREEN dpi="96"/>
        <IMAGELIMIT pixelcount="1048576" />
        <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
        <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326"/>
        <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" name="Initial_Extent" />
        <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
      <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" visible="true" name="Countries" id="1">
        <FCLASS type="polygon">
          <FIELD name="AREA" type="8" size="12" precision="3" />
          <FIELD name="NAME" type="12" size="40" precision="0" />
          <FIELD name="ABBREVNAME" type="12" size="12" precision="0" />
          <FIELD name="FIPS_CODE" type="12" size="2" precision="0" />
          <FIELD name="WB_CNTRY" type="12" size="3" precision="0" />
          <FIELD name="HYPERLINK" type="12" size="60" precision="0" />
          <FIELD name="#SHAPE#" type="-98" size="0" precision="0" />
          <FIELD name="#ID#" type="-99" size="16" precision="0" />

Example 3: When in a FEATURES response. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
          <FIELD name="STATE_NAME" value="Washington" />
          <FIELD name="SUB_REGION" value="Pacific" />

      <FEATURECOUNT count="1" hasmore="false" />

Example 4: When in a GEOCODE response. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
    <FEATURE featureid="1">
      <FIELD type="4" name="SCORE" size="5" precision="0">
        <FIELDVALUE valuestring="100" />
      <FIELD type="12" name="ADDRESSFOUND" size="21" precision="0">
        <FIELDVALUE valuestring="380 NEW YORK ST 92373" />
      <FIELD type="-98" name="SHAPEFIELD">
          <POINT x="-117.19496116" y="34.05777355" />
    <GCCOUNT count="1" />

Example 5: When in MARKUP. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <FEATURESERVERWORKSPACE name="ifs_ws-20" url="" service="world" />
  <MARKUPLAYER layername="CNTRY94" workspace="ifs_ws-20">
      <FEATURE featureid="1000001">
      <ENVELOPE minx="79.7" miny="-59.0" maxx="113.9" maxy="-42.4" />
      <FIELD name="AREA" precision="3" size="12" type="8">
        <FIELDVALUE valuestring="10202" />
      <FIELD name="NAME" precision="0" size="40" type="12">
        <FIELDVALUE valuestring="Atlantis" />
      <FIELD name="#SHAPE#" precision="0" size="0" type="-98">
            <POINT x="85.61944739721136" y="-42.43367913036056" />
            <POINT x="113.93068023991125" y="-46.33867676383642" />
            <POINT x="80.25007565118213" y="-55.12492143915705" />
            <POINT x="85.61944739721136" y="-42.43367913036056" />