VSERVER  Examples
Used in:  Application Server Administration  
Parent elements: 
<VSERVER Attribute Description Table
     When adding a Virtual Server:
     access ="PUBLIC | PRIVATE"

     name ="string"

     servicetype ="ImageServer | FeatureServer | MetadataServer | QueryServer | ExtractServer | GeocodeServer"

     version =""" | ArcMap"

     description ="string"
     frequency ="1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 12 | 24"  [2]
     referencehour ="0 .. 23"  [0]
     referenceminute ="0 | 15 | 30 | 45"  [0]
     type ="add"

     When deleting a Virtual Server:
     name ="string"

     type ="remove"

     (m) <PSERVER... />

Bold: Attribute or child element is required.
 Child element can be used multiple times.


    Allows adding and removing an ArcIMS Virtual Server using the command line.





Attribute Descriptions for VSERVER:

When adding a Virtual Server:
Attribute Usage Back to Top
access Specifies whether a Virtual Server is public or private. In general, you should use "PUBLIC" for Image, Feature, ArcMap, and Metadata Servers. You should use "PRIVATE" for Query, Geocode, and Extract Servers.
description Provides a description of the Virtual Server.
frequency Number of times per each 24 hour period to recycle all Spatial Servers associated with this Virtual Server. Used only with Virtual Servers that are capable of recycling.
name Specifies the Virtual Server name.
referencehour Starting hour to begin the first recycling period each day using a 24 hour clock. "0" is midnight. Used only with Virtual Servers that are capable of recycling.
referenceminute Starting minute to begin the first recycling period each day using a 24 hour clock. Used only with Virtual Servers that are capable of recycling.
servicetype The Virtual Server type: ImageServer, FeatureServer, MetadataServer, ExtractServer, GeocodeServer, QueryServer. For ArcMap Server, use "ImageServer" for this attribute.
type Use "add" to specify adding a Virtual Server.
version Specifies whether an ImageServer is an ArcMap Image Server. For ArcMap Image Servers, use "ArcMap". For all other server types, use "".
When deleting a Virtual Server:
Attribute Usage Back to Top
name Specifies the Virtual Server name.
type Use "remove" to specify removing a Virtual Server.

Examples for VSERVER:

Example 1: When adding a new Virtual Server. This example adds an ArcMap Image Server. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ADMINCMD version="1.0">
    <PSERVER type="add" machine="mymachine.domain.com"/>
    <VSERVER type="add"
             description="ImageServer ArcMap Example"

      <PSERVER id="mymachine.domain.com_4" threads="1"/>  
      <PSERVER id="mymachine.domain.com_5" threads="1"/>
Example 2: When removing a Virtual Server. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ADMINCMD version="1.0">
    <VSERVER type="remove" name="ImageServerArcMap2"/>

    <PSERVER type="remove" machine="mymachine.domain.com" id="mymachine.domain.com_4"/>
    <PSERVER type="remove" machine="mymachine.domain.com" id="mymachine.domain.com_5"/>