CQ00277613 - I18N: AXL builder for metadata requests never localized like the other map AXL builders.
CQ00277863 - I18N: Client locale not being sent using TCP connections
Java Custom Template
CQ00266734 - Java Viewer Download is updated for JRE 1.4.2_06.
CQ00284004 - The Java Viewer Download install directory is updated with
windows client jre 1.4.2_06 (Unix only)
Metadata Explorer
CQ00215255 - L10N: Metadata Explorer's search box doesn't appear for locales using non-period delimiter.
CQ00249510 - Gazetteer Search now works correctly on locales that use a comma as a decimal delimiter.
CQ00250112 - Metadata Explorer no longer truncates comma delimited decimal numbers when doing a spatial search.
Metadata Server
CQ00263966 - Problems with publishing metadata documents, that occassionally resulted in a re-start of the ArcIMS server, have been fixed.
CQ00277146 - Added FGDC and ISO publisher tags to Metadata Server's default index definition file to support the Advanced Metadata Explorer sample.
CQ00279354 - An empty comment / duplicate XML prolog in a publish requests renders Metadata Server unstable.
Spatial Server
CQ00229073 - When rendering selected features, the spatial filter is
CQ00257143 - QueryServer does not handle large shapefile integer fields.
CQ00263622 - When you add or remove new rows to ArcSDE raster catalog,
ArcIMS can display the changes without refreshing the Image service.
CQ00264130 - Clients to ArcIMS FeatureServer service do not display
features when viewed in ArcMap.
CQ00264920 - Replay Block Parameter doesn't solve GetFeature request
time out issue.
CQ00265243 - A new attribute has been added to GET_SERVICE_INFO request
to return detailed information about acetate objects that are part of
the map configuration file.
CQ00265290 - For an empty ArcSDE raster catalog, SERVICE_INFO response
returns an envelope with extents 0,0,0,0.
CQ00265999 - Fixed ArcIMS spatial server crash during reconnection attempt
to an ArcSDE server that is down.
CQ00266220 - Fixed a memory leak with addition and removal of service
when using ArcIMS RouteServer and ArcIMS 9.0.
CQ00266405 - When serving ArcSDE raster catalog layers, parts of tiles
are missing at certain extents.
CQ00267868 - UMASK setting was ignored in the AIX environment.
CQ00267913 - In a GET_IMAGE request, show="layers" attribute is sometimes
CQ00268889 - On AIX 5.2 ArcIMS Spatial server fails during startup.
CQ00279079 - Find does not work when querying multibyte text.
CQ00279163 - Enable ArcIMS to reconnect if error SE_LOST_DBMS_CONNECTION(-409)
is received.
CQ00282345 - Image requests should honor scale dependent visibility
of layers when rendering selections.
WMS Connector
CQ00268365 - The WMS Connector now handles datum transformations for map image requests
CQ00276992 - WMS client does not tokenize <SRS> tag text.
WFS Connector
CQ00273446 - WFS Connector Samples have been added to the WFS documentation.
CQ00279037 - Unfriendly format using milliseconds as "Date" filed uni in WFS GetFeature response.
CQ00279398 - The ArcIMS 9.1 WFS connector DecribeFeatureType response returns GMS type="gml:GeometryPropertyType" for all feature classes.
CQ00280021 - "javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError: Provider org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl not found error in WFS Connector administrator when using Tomcat 5.0/5.5.
CQ00280342 - The WFS Connector does not implement PropertyEqualTo filtering of features.
CQ00280769 - The 'maxfeatures' attribute of the WFS Connector's POST request is not correctly restricting the maximum number of features.
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