NIM011017 - Using sderaster -o copy command to copy large raster datasets from a 9.1 geodatabase to a 9.2 geodatabase results in pyramid level 0 to be displayed as nodata when viewed in ArcMap or ArcCatalog.
NIM012843 - Source raster data with high precision extents are truncated when stored in a SDO_GEORASTER. This causes that data to be stored in the wrong coordinate space.
NIM013560 - The shp2sde and tbl2sde commands need to support Unicode nstring data to allow users to properly import data that contains non-English characters.
NIM013939 - sdetable -o create_view fails with Error: Table not registered (-220).
DB2 and Informix Specific
NIM011513 - The sdedbtune -o delete_data command fails in DB2 with the error: Routine "*E_DBTUNE" (specific name "SQL070321161825602") is implemented, which cannot be accessed.
NIM012916 - ArcSDE should not remove entry from sde.layers table when a view is created using sdetable -o create_view.
NIM013072 - DB2: sdemon -o status does not show the number of 3-tier connections.
NIM013210 - DB2: Executing sdetable -o truncate on large tables can cause logging problems in DB2.
NIM013259 - The dbtune INDEX parameter values should only be appended to CREATE INDEX statements and should not be used after a PRIMARY KEY statement in the CREATE TABLE command.
NIM013320 - DB2: Running the field calculator in ArcMap to concatenate fields of different data types in a table that contains more than 2500 records, results in a Network I/O error.
NIM033204 - The presence of the obsolete parameter, SDO_VERIFY, in an exported dbtune file causes importing the dbtune file to fail.
Non Database Specific Server Fixes
NIM008463 - Cannot use Java API to insert feature that contains CAD data, such as a circle.
NIM010667 - Setting the ArcSDE server configuration TCPKEEPALIVE parameter to true does not terminate orphaned gsrvr processes as it should.
NIM011286 - Geocoding a large number of addresses returns: Error executing SSA function [Error while calling SSA_init() function in locssa.::Out of server memory].
NIM012755 - Cannot add the British National Grid ID 27700 to a Web service's capabilities file. This is caused by the projection scale factor not matching the internal definition of the coordinate system.
NIM012821 - Posting a version to the DEFAULT version when a user has no privileges on a class registered with move edits to base results in the edits not being moved to the base table. See KB article 34045 .
NIM013039 - On Windows Vista operating systems, when making a database connection in ArcCatalog, the entry for the Server text box has to be fully qualified (i.e, .), otherwise the connection fails.
NIM013737 - Certain geometries cause Java functions SeShape.getWKBSize and SeShape.asWKB to fail.
NIM013816 - Provide support for 9.2 SP5 clients to connect to 9.3 geodatabases.
NIM031119 - Locator cannot be created in ArcGIS Desktop if the reference data comes from a spatial database connection that uses a long server name—for instance, an IP address.
NIM013840 - Enhancement to cache the properties of state 0 on the session handle to avoid recursive SQL statements to the underlying DBMS. See KB article 34215.
NIM013823 – The sdeimport command does not correctly load raster datasets that have a pyramid origin set. The pyramid must be rebuilt before it displays correctly.
Oracle General
NIM006563 - Oracle Georaster: Spatial queries that include both an SDO_GEORASTER and a geometry type (SDO_GEOMETRY or ST_GEOMETRY) fail.
NIM010579 - Applying a spatial filter on a view created with sdetable returns "ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined".
NIM011003 - Inaccurate results are returned when ArcSDE uses a five-point polygon for the query window against geodetic data for Oracle Spatial.
NIM011552 - Connections to an Oracle database may fail if the database contains a large number of user-schema geodatabases.
NIM012633 - An attempt to rename an existing locator file using ArcCatalog 9.2 on an ArcSDE geodatabase for Oracle returns the error "Failed to rename Selected Objects - Error executing SSA Function [Underlying DBMS error]".
NIM013821 - Copy/pasting a large amount of feature classes from ArcCatalog to ArcSDE for Oracle with open_cursors set to less than 1000 may fail with an 'ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded' error.
NIM013843 - ArcSDE for Oracle: To avoid an unintentional transaction commit during a non-versioned edit session, confirm that the user is in an open transaction before creating the sde_logfile tables. Raise an error if there is no existing log file.
NIM013442 - ArcSDE for Oracle: Enabling archiving does not create user-defined indexes on the archive class. See KB article 34101.
NIM013824 - Error occurs in the COPYRASTER geoprocessing tool when loading a raster catalog whose raster column is sdo_georaster and shape column is sdo_geometry or st_geometry.
NIM032268 - Performance optimization for 'NIM010461: Join queries might fail with SDE error (-38) when querying joined tables.'
Oracle ST_Geometry
NIM011509 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Until the layer extent is manually redefined, the user is unable to view features in ArcGIS Desktop if the point feature class was created in ArcCatalog and features were inserted using ST_Point in SQL Plus. After the layer extent is redefined, the user cannot select features inserted to this feature class using ST_Point in SQL Plus. See KB article 33918.
NIM011979 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Running the Make Query Table geoprocessing tool or the Visual Basic QueryDef property on a versioned dataset
NIM013280 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Selecting features from a registered view encounters a network i/o error.
NIM013424 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Creating or altering the st_spatial_index through SQL does not update the sde.layers metadata for the grid values. See KB article 34105.
NIM013819 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Performing a spatial selection fails with invalid rowid when using a view.
NIM012681 - With the default open_cursors value set (300), validating a topology or making multiple updates to a feature class stored as ST_GEOMETRY or SDO_GEOMETRY type may fail with an 'ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded' error.
NIM012924 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Unable to execute spatial operators when the layer is partitioned; receive underlying DBMS error 'ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine'. See KB article 34035.
NIM012969 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Unable to create a partitioned local st_spatial_index when storage parameters are specified for each partition. See KB article 34120.
NIM013531 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Unable to perform spatial queries against a partitioned table that contains a ST_Geometry column. See KB article 34035.
NIM013549 - Spatial Type for Oracle: ST_AsBinary fails with various errors that appear to be related to memory handling in the EXTPROC.
NIM013581 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Invalid index entries are created based on rounding conditions generating gx/gy cell values.
NIM014024 - Spatial Type for Oracle: DDL statement in st_geom_cols_util package body causes spx_util to become invalid (through Oracle object dependency).
NIM031445 - Provide better support for users who use Oracle export/import with ST_Geometry attribute tables.
NIM033227 - ST_GEOMETRY on Oracle 9i: Versioned editing fails with -51 when current user is not the owner of the layer.
NIM033400 - When a globalid is placed after the shape, or any other column for that matter, an underlying dbms error (-51) ORA-01722 error is generated when querying the rows or performing a spatial selection. This occurs when only one column is added after the shape column.
SQL Server Specific
NIM012125 - Post installation for ArcSDE for SQL Server fails and returns an underlying DBMS error when upgrading from ArcSDE 8.3 to ArcSDE 9.2 on a 64-bit server.
NIM008482 - ArcSDE for Oracle: sdegroup command does not support NVARCHAR types.
NIM010883 - The sdegroup command fails with "The destination string buffer is too small" error if an involved column's fully qualifed name is more than 32 characters.
NIM012685 - HPUX64 (Oracle 9i): sdegdbrepair command encounters a segmentation fault and core dump after successfully completing.
NIM012687 - The sdesetup command with SQL Server should not allow a lower release version to be executed against a higher release of the ArcSDE instance.
NIM012697 - shp2sde -o init and -o append is not able to load dBASE C-ColType into existing SE_NSTRING_TYPE column. The default has always been to map dBASE C-ColType into SE_STRING_TYPE.
NIM010879 - Enhancement request: ArcSDE Service Pack support Web page should address installation steps for multiple sde services.
NIM010895 - ArcSDE 9.2 Service Pack 3 support page should say that you use the <DB_Admin_user> and <DB_Admin_password> instead of the SDE user when executing the SDESETUP command in Step 6 in the Installation Steps.
DB2 and Informix Specific
NIM010664 - ArcSDE for DB2/INFORMIX: "Wrong number of parameters" error occurs when querying the sde table_registry table.
NIM012630 - ArcSDE for DB2: Cannot alter an XML column's existing index definition.
NIM012631 - Cannot update text indexes associated with an XML attribute if the attribute does not have an index definition.
NIM012652 - ArcSDE for Informix: Improve the performance of the sdegdbrepair command.
NIM012716 - Informix "Out of server memory" error occurs when object class is registered with move edits to base on AIX platform when saving an edited DEFAULT version.
NIM012720 - ArcSDE for INFORMIX: Invalid temporary table name causes syntax error.
Non Database Specific Server Fixes
NIM009696 - ArcIMS Author cannot display map or identify features correctly after a feature class has spatial reference upgraded.
NIM010222 - ArcIMS Author cannot display map correctly if there is a layer with vertical coordinate system in the map.
NIM010472 - Post fails when editing the DEFAULT version and a feature class registered with the move edits to base. "The version could not be posted. The current version does not support editing (base, consistent, or closed) [An open transaction was detected. All user transactions must be closed prior to StartEditing.] Network I/O error".
NIM010835 - Relationship queries that use keyset tables return incorrect results.
NIM011370 - A memory overwrite in the function to get user information crashes the giomgr.
NIM012276 - SeShape.generateFromWKB() fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if shape has 50 or more points.
NIM012689 - Stand-alone logfile tables are created when the session is in a transaction editing non-versioned object classes. See KB article 33884.
NIM012719 - Starting the giomgr is vulnerable when a space is present in the SDEHOME pathname.
NIM012745 - The method used to start gsrvrs on Windows is vulnerable when a username/pwd is used and a space is present in the SDEHOME pathname.
NIM012748 - Potential Network I/O errors because of divide by zero errors. Occurs intermittently when concurrent ArcObjects geodatabase applications run against the same ArcSDE server.
NIM012857 - ArcSDE for Oracle: Client applications may hang or crash with a null pointer exception error when fetching attribute data when a FLOAT, STRING, or SHAPE attribute are present with a BLOB, CLOB, or NCLOB in the select list.
Oracle General
NIM010179 - Cleanup noise in the ArcSDE for Oracle direct connection client server data transfer.
NIM010256 - Compress can orphan rows in the SDEBINARY feature and spatial index tables. See KB article 34007.
NIM010407 - ArcSDE for Oracle: Cursor fetching truncated shapes are not being closed after each execution.
NIM010755 - Spatial Type for Oracle: st_disjoint returns 0 (false) when geometry is not touching but is close to a second geometry being compared. See KB article 33518.
NIM010953 - ArcSDE for Oracle: Potential for Network I/O errors when executing compress. See KB article 34008.
NIM011112 - Some XML documents fail to publish with Oracle databases on AIX.
NIM011184 - Unable to select or alter annotation features if ATTRIBUTE_BINARY storage is set to Long Raw in the DBTUNE table. On Windows servers, a load buffer error occurs. On UNIX servers, an out of memory error occurs. See KB article 34013.
NIM011484 - UUID types need to be created as VARCHAR attributes, not as Unicode NVARCHAR attributes.
NIM012037 - Spatial queries with ArcSDE SDEBINARY Oracle feature classes stored with LONG RAW may encounter the Oracle error ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol error.
NIM012181 - When importing changes from a geodatabase replica, a NOT NULL constraint violation may occur.
NIM012684 - Incorrect Unicode extended error messages for connection errors on all platforms.
NIM012686 - ArcSDE for Oracle: Maximum open cursors error encountered when copy/pasting data from ArcCatalog.
NIM012688 - Stand-alone logfile tables are truncated (committed) when the session is in a transaction editing non-versioned object class. See KB article 33884.
NIM012690 - Unable to perform selections when editing non-versioned object classes when using ArcSDE logfile pools. See KB article 33884.
NIM012712 - Object classes registered with move edits to base in Oracle encounter an invalid SQL statement error when edited and saving if the session is using stand-alone logfiles. See KB article 34005.
NIM012713 - Enabling archiving on annotation classes in Oracle stored as SDEBINARY and the element attribute as a LONG RAW type may encounter a Network I/O error. See KB article 34006.
NIM012714 - ArcSDE for Oracle: Bulk inserts into a versioned feature class in Oracle may encounter an underlying DBMS error ORA-01036.
NIM012715 - Unable to import DGN annotation feature classes into Oracle SDEBINARY or Oracle Spatial when the last attribute is a character field defined as greater > 2000 characters.
Oracle Spatial
NIM006509 - Oracle error ora-01758 encountered when adding an st_geometry or sdo_geometry attribute to a table with existing data.
NIM009338 - Potential data corruption when saving edits to a feature class using Oracle Spatial that is registered as versioned with the option to move edits to base.
NIM010461 - Join queries may fail with SDE error (-38) when querying joined tables.
NIM011254 - A gsrvr process can get into an infinite loop when geometries with polygon boundaries cross themselves.
NIM012718 - Z and M values are randomly inserted into new Oracle SDO_Geometry multipoint features.
Oracle ST_Geometry
NIM005830 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Creating an st_geometry layer without using dbtune keyword parameters for spatial index table storage parameters.
NIM006815 - Spatial Type for Oracle: <I18N> - ora - 20003: Unable to retrieve message when inserting features using SQL when locale is set to multibyte character set.
NIM010623 - Spatial Type for Oracle: error ORA-06532: Subscript outside of limit encountered when using relational operators that fetch > 35K objects. See KB article 33359.
NIM011083 - Spatial Type for Oracle: st_disjoint returns incorrect results when using the spatial index. See KB article 33518.
NIM010121 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Move the st_distance operator from the st_relation_operators package to the st_geometry_operators package. See KB article 33183.
NIM011100 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Cannot rename an empty feature class using ArcCatalog.
NIM011485 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Improve the error message "Error generating shape from text" when using st constructor operators.
NIM012490 - In Oracle, the st_geometry operator st_contains returns incorrect results when the access path for the query uses the st_spatial_index. See KB article 33920.
NIM012654 - Spatial Type for Oracle (Oracle 9i): Exception error encountered for SQL operators that pass empty geometries. ORA - 20003: Geometry type "POINT EMPTY" is not a valid shape type.
NIM012658 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Creating a feature class using a name that was previously used can result in spatial queries failing.
NIM012659 - Spatial Type for Oracle: When executing two SQL queries in either order, the first one succeeds while the second fails.
SQL Server Specific
NIM010290 - Upgrading a SQL Server geodatabase with archive enabled feature classes creates triggers that cause "Duplicate key in shape column" errors during the archive operation. See KB article 33264.
NIM011006 - ArcMap crashes when executing definition query on a text field with a length of more than 4000.
NIM012653 - sdesetup -o upgrade command fails if executed as db_owner member on the dbo schema.
NIM012655 - ArcSDE for SQL Server: Create index fails for Windows Authenticated users who are not the DBO user.
NIM012717 - ArcSDE for SQL*Server: Incorrect predicate binding for the delete statement when removing rows from a keyset table orphans rows.
NIM012834 - ArcSDE for SQL Server 2005: Need to check for a matching default schema during table creation.
Issues previously addressed with Service Pack 3, and included in Service Pack 5
SQL Server Specific
NIM007077 - sdesetup -o upgrade does not use DBTUNE storage parameters for SQL Server file groups correctly.
NIM008325 - sdelayer -o si_stats does not return information (or correct information) when run against SQL Server databases.
NIM009399 - Beginning with ArcGIS® 9.2, SQL Server geodatabase identifiers, such as feature class or table names, cannot be case sensitive. This means the contents of the ArcSDE® and geodatabase repository tables (SDE_ and GDB_ tables) cannot be created and stored using a case-sensitive collation. Your database collation must be case insensitive, however individual character data columns can store case-sensitive data. This patch will assist users in converting existing 8.3, 9.0 or 9.1 SQL Server geodatabases with a case-sensitive database collation to a 9.2 geodatabase using a case-insensitive collation. After applying the patch users will be able to enable case-sensitive collations on individual character data columns.
DB2 and Informix Specific
NIM007362 - When data is updated in a child replica using geodatabase replication, those features or records are not synchronized to the parent replica. Features that were inserted or deleted, however, are synchronized properly.
NIM009097 - DB2 only - When saving edits to a Move to Base Feature class as a privileged non-owner, a "Version could not be posted" error may occur.
Oracle ST_Geometry
NIM005992 - SDO_GEOMETRY or Spatial Type for Oracle - When zooming in on event layers in ArcMap, all the features of the event layer disappear.
NIM008635 - Not all features in a large (> 1000) selection set move in a single edit operation. Fails with this error: db_sda_execute_stmt::Invalid OCI handle (-2).
NIM009208 - Extent calculation may be incorrect when (1) imported from feature class with nil (empty) geometries, or (2) extent is recalculated with "sdelayer -o alter -E calc" and feature class contains nil (empty) geometries .
NIM010346 - Tru64 only - Some SQL functions fail with error: symbol "SgShapeFree" unresolved.
NIM010347 - Using SQL to insert points into an ST_POINT geometry type may round the minimum-bounding rectangle values in the geometry's metadata.
NIM010348 - AIX and Tru64 only - Creating a pSelectionSet in ArcObjects can cause an "Out of server memory" error (-12) when the query filter WHERE clause is blank or null.
Oracle General
NIM007138 - XML document won't publish with long content in a tag that is indexed as STRING.
NIM008343 - Editors may encounter a unique constraint violation when reconciling edits made to data that has been registered as versioned with the option to move edits to base.
NIM008806 - Improve connection time to ArcSDE geodatabases containing a large number of tables by restricting the tables returned based on the connecting user’s privileges to the tables. Note: If the connecting user owns a large number of tables, an improvement in connection times may not be experienced.
NIM010282 - Not all features in a large (> 1000) selection set move in a single edit operation. Fails with this error: db_sda_execute_stmt::Invalid OCI handle (-2).
NIM007546 - Receive error message, “Failed to connect to the specified server. Server machine not found.” when attempting to use a server alias that is 32 characters in length or greater in the ArcCatalog 9.2 Spatial Database Connection Properties dialog box. The fix allows the use of up to 32 characters in the server name.
NIM008481 -Editors receive the error message, “Feature could not be created, the geometry is invalid” when trying to edit data that meets the following criteria:
Data, such as a shapefile or ArcSDE export file, was originally created in a previous version of ArcGIS (9.1 or earlier).
Data is loaded into the ArcSDE geodatabase using the ArcSDE administration command tools (for example, shp2sde or sdeimport).
Data is subsequently registered with the geodatabase.
NIM010392 - ArcSDE’s giomgr process in a 3 tier configuration can crash if an excessively large numeric value is written to the TCP port. This causes a buffer overflow and stops the process from running. This is an obscure/rare condition.
NON Database specific Server fixes
NIM007048 - Memory allocation has been optimized so that the gsrvr process does not consume or hold as much memory as it did in previous releases.
NIM007607 - sde2shp fails with error "Invalid state ID value" when using -V option.
NIM008157 - Unable to connect to ArcSDE through ArcCatalog after the spatial references on existing data are upgraded to high precision.
NIM008315 - SDE servers on UNIX operating systems - Users who have permissions to access more than 5000 tables or feature classes in the geodatabase cannot connect to the ArcSDE geodatabase through ArcGIS.
NIM008390 - With ArcIMS' Metadata Server - XML documents will not be published and an error message will be returned if a user attempts to publish an XML document if the value stored in tags that are indexed as VARCHAR exceeds 256 characters. (Previous behavior allowed the document to be published without error, but the indexed VARCHAR information was truncated to 256 characters.)
Issues previously addressed with Service Pack 2, and included in Service Pack 5
NIM006032 - Support geometries larger than 1MB in size for DB2. Support needs to be added for geometries as large as 4MB (4190000 byte) in ArcSDE 9.2 for DB2. A corresponding fix was required in DB2, so DB2 UDB 8.2 FP 15 is required to take advantage of this enhancement. If you're using a pre-FP15 version of DB2, the software continues to work as before , but you cannot load or use data with a geometry size larger than 1MB.
NIM007057 - Using the option "“Compress all edits in the Default version into the base table" when unregistering as versioned can corrupt the table.
NIM007490 - When performing concurrent editing in an ArcSDE for DB2 or Informix geodatabase, deadlocks are encountered when users save their edits.
NIM005106 - Granting two identical Oracle roles with the Select permission to a user will cause layers to disappear in ArcCatalog 9.2. Multiple grants of the same privilege on the same table from a different grantee, for example, from a different role, will cause access privilege problems.
NIM005767 - Oracle dead locks encountered when local variable lineage_name is not fully qualified. See KB article 32308.
NIM005974 - SDE upgrade and service startup fail at checking existence of geometry_columns table.
NIM005987 - Network I/O error encountered while running queries with outer joins from custom AO VBA code against ArcSDE on Oracle.
NIM006341 - When geometry is stored as BINARY, LOB, or OGCWKB, selected features of a feature class that is not registered with the geodatabase are not drawn/highlighted in the ArcMap map display window.
NIM007057 - Using the Compress all edits in the default version into the base table option when unregistering as versioned can corrupt the table.
NIM007189 - Archiving fails if a field is added to a feature class after the archive is created.
NIM007481 - sdeexport will not support the export of GeoRaster data, because native storage of Oracle GeoRaster is different from regular SDE raster.
Oracle Spatial
NIM006455 - Trying to copy and paste an annotation feature class that has rows in it fails with an ORA-1008 not all variables bound error. This happens with SDO_GEOMETRY (Oracle Spatial) only.
SQL Server
NIM006734 - Connections to SDE using SQL Server 2005 are very slow.
NIM007528 - Large INSERT operations (loading data, building networks, etc) are slower at 9.2.
ArcSDE Raster
NIM005450 - When loading and mosaicing 4-bit TIFF raster images, the first image loaded displays properly; subsequent 4-bit TIFF raster images do not display and cannot be queried.
NIM006003 - sderaster -o export command fails (hangs) when exporting sde rasters with color maps.
NIM006286 - Error building pyramid using 9.2 ArcSDE client for data stored in an ArcSDE 9.1 server when the raster is compressed with JPEG.
NIM006577 - Using ArcGIS 9.2 to display raster data from an ArcSDE 9.1 geodatabase hangs if ArcGIS is on the same machine as the ArcSDE server.
NIM007481 - sdeexport will not support the export of GeoRaster data because native storage of Oracle GeoRaster is different from regular SDE raster.
NIM006060 - Creating new geodatabase with ArcSDE9.2 on SQL Server fails when customized address locator is installed.
NIM006735 - When creating an address locator in ArcCatalog, ArcCatalog may crash if Reference Data name is longer than 30 characters.
NIM006898 - Creating locator from an empty feature class causes a failure.
NIM007492 - Provide a way to process input values in fields other than standardization.
ArcSDE Admin
NIM005106 - Granting two identical Oracle roles with the Select permission to a user will cause layers to disappear in ArcCatalog 9.2. Multiple grants of the same privilege on the same table from a different grantee, for example, from a different role, will cause access privilege problems.
NIM005322 - Allow the sdegdbrepair utility to report the table that is causing the error (all databases).
NIM005828 - Net I/O -10 Error encountered when loading an ArcSDE 9.1 vintage sdeexport file (i .e., SDEX 9.0.0_2 format) with the ArcSDE 9.2 version of sdeimport.
NIM007075 - The giomgr can be crashed by sending extra characters in the connectiion string.
NIM007489 - The sdegdbrepair utility needs to check for invalid deletes table entries when referencing the same sde_state_id value for a given lineage (all databases).
NIM007491 - sdegdbrepair utility: Missing D table entry is not detected and fixed (all databases).
NIM007493 - The sdegdbrepair utility should be acquiring table locks during operations (all databases).
NIM005829 - When using ST_Geometry for vector data and geodatabase annotation, ArcMap hangs after zooming and attempting to redisplay.
NIM006055 - When storing geometry as ST_Geometry, features can disappear when panning and zooming.
NIM006282 - Improve performance of Oracle ST_Geometry relational operators by using statistics. Gathering DBMS statistics now adds information to the st_geometry_index table for each table.
NIM007480 - When geometry is stored as ST_Geometry, drawing performance is too slow. The performance drawing ST_Geometry points should be comparable to SDEBinary. Traces show a 30% difference when drawing larger (500K) feature classes.
Issues previously addressed with Service Pack 1, and included in Service Pack 5
CQ00296130 - DB2 Network I/O error occurs when reading blob data of size 5M.(DB2 only)
CQ00297171 - Memory leak when editing if feature class is registered with move edits to base.
CQ00298480 - In-Place Spatial Reference converters fail on Unix Platforms.
CQ00292541 - When ArcSDE attempts to write a null (non-existent) geometry to an SDO_GEOMETRY column, ArcSDE instead writes a nil (empty) geometry. Placing a nil geometry where there should be a null geometry is incorrect, and causes problems for some ArcGIS processing and with third-party applications that expect "NULL".
CQ00296298 - Oracle Spatial: Zooming on edited compound curve feature classes caused features to disappear.
CQ00297271 - Query fails with SDE error code -38 when using joined tables and ArcSDE 9.2 featureclass with SDO_GEOMETRY layer config.
CQ00298816 - Improve SDELOB performance using LONG API binding.
SQL Server
CQ00297008 - Geocoding fails in SqlExpress/Direct Connect SDE - Without this, geocoding with personal and workgroup ArcSDE doesn’t work.
NIM005825 - Adding columns in a GPS-enabled ArcSDE Personal geodatabase using GPS Analyst causes ArcCatalog to crash.
ArcSDE Raster
CQ00296867 - Add a confirmation to the sderaster update operation to avoid users of the sderaster -o update operation mistaking it for the mosaic operation and accidently replacing a raster dataset wth the input image. This fix will require users to confirm they really want to replace the existing raster dataset with the input image file when the update operation executes.
CQ00297273 - Rolling back an Oracle transaction on a mosaic operation does not rollback the pyramid tiles. Currently users must manually rollback a failed user transaction on a mosaic operation. This work around was documented as a known problem for ArcSDE 9.2 final.
CQ00299517 - The ArcSDE sdo_georaster trigger is not maintaining the raster_id column value of the user_sdo_geor_sysdata table.
CQ00293119 - Port C API function SE_table_rebuild_index to Java API. - To keep in sync with the c-api functionalities for 9.2 release.
CQ00293231 - SeShape.generateCircle() not available in java-api.
CQ00293261 - SeShape.generateBuffer fails with error -148 NUMOFPTS IS LESS THAN REQUIRED FOR FEATURE.
CQ00294131 - Incorrect layer extent returned for high precision coordinate references.
CQ00294156 - Java API function killProcess(<pid>, “<admin pwd>” doesn’t work. Need to make the killProcess a workable function.
CQ00294298 - SeShape1.overlay(seShape2) throws exception if SeShape contains more than 4k points.
CQ00296302 - (Java api) PeCSTransformations.geog1ToGeog2 doesn't work for some specific transform code.
CQ00298974 - Port adjusted coordinate system to keep in sync with what the c-api has released.
CQ00299289 - PCSConstants are not calculated accurately. There will be a slight difference in the projection calculation between the c-api and the java-api if the pcsconstants values are not calculated in the exact manner as the c-api.
CQ00299305 - PeProjectedCSRes not returning the correct PeProjectedCS object.
ArcSDE Admin
CQ00296785 - When specifying the instance to connect to by using the ArcSDE service port number, specifying "/tcp" after the port number causes a failed to connect error in 9.2.
ArcSDE Server
CQ00296730 - When attempting to start the ArcSDE application server with the service entry absent from the system services file the giomgr crashes rather than handling the failure and reporting a warning message.
NIM005805 - Adding to a current selection set fails when creating a selection and having the attribute table open in Selected View mode.
ArcSDE ST_Geometry
CQ00296168 - A<> shape column entries are not deleted from the sde.st_geometry_columns table when the versioned Feature Class is deleted. The affect of this is "orphaned" entries in the table that should not affect any functionality.
CQ00296625 - Creating the spatial indx on certain layer data & spatial ref may generate spix records that fail during Identify's. If you run into this issue spatial selections will fail to select/Identify on small search areas involving small features.
CQ00299145 - ORA-06522: Unsatisfied code symbol '__shlTerm' when using the st_geometry spatial type for Oracle functions on HP. - Spatial type operators do not work on HP without this fix.
NIM005804 - Network I/O error when viewing/working with the attribute table of a feature class after performing a selection of more than 100 features.
NIM005829 - Spatial selections against GDB annotation featureclasses lock up the server.
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