NIM045468 - From Japanese Linux with locale JA16SJIS. ArcSDE sdeimport
command fails to import layer from 9.1 exported sdx file.
DB2 and Informix Specific
NIM047885 - implement a next_row_id stored procedure.
Non-Database Specific Server
NIM009659 - Oracle based features stored in feature datasets are not
accessible with ArcEngine using direct connect.
NIM038155 - Migrating a feature class, raster dataset or a raster catalog is
not touching the sde_tables_modified table for the layers and
raster_columns entry when completing.
NIM039217 - Editing an archive enabled table with SQL through a
multi-versioned view in the DEFAULT version will not maintain the table's
archive. (Please see technical article 35645 for more details.)
NIM045628 - ArcGIS editor stop editing/save operations can encounter database
deadlocking situations if two users are saving and have modified the same
versioned objectclass.
NIM046632 - Multi-threaded calls to save_to_base() function is causing the
gsrvr to crash.
NIM047399 - The British National Grid scale factor was changed in version
9.2. While the software now considers both values equivalent, the check to
determine that is inefficient. This change improves performance.
NIM047452 - Java ADF cannot project horizon to WGS84 (4326).
NIM047565 - Improve performance of opening ArcGIS map documents that contain
multiple data sources which cannot be accessed due to certain connection
NIM047569 - Improve connection time for map documents with connections to a
SQL Server Express geodatabase that is shut down by mapping the returned
NIM049434 - Java Projection Engine: Retrieving the projection horizon for
Mercator Auxiliary Sphere, Hotine, RSO, Gall's Stereographic, Behrmann, or
Two Point Equidistant will crash the application.
NIM049535 - ArcGIS Build Pyramid tool returns Invalid Column Value when
building a pyramid against raster data that is JPEG or JPEG 2000
NIM049777 - When unarchiving a feature class using Binary Storage, FIDs might
need to be regenerated to remove duplicates in the archived feature class.
Oracle General
NIM039168 - Oracle Spatial: DB IO error encountered when validating a
topology on an 11g DB
NIM042121 - Warning messages related to 'S_delete_logfile_data_table_by_id()
USER Transaction Logfile Delete...' should not be printed to the sde error
NIM043097 - Compressing a geodatabase can lead to blocking conditions in
ArcGIS which impact editor user response time. (Please see technical
article 36371 for more details.)
NIM043170 - Optimize queries used by trim against a versioned table's deletes
table to reduce i/o and improve performance.
NIM044630 - Enable Archiving on a topology class failing when archiving class
index is built on Oracle Geodatabase.
NIM044659 - Importing the data changes into replica database in a
Disconnected environment fails with "ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter
or drop an index on temporary table already in use”
NIM046549 - Error message '[Fri Jan 23 15:31:42 2009] [12] [mj]
db_fetch_attr_row Error - 0 0' should only show up in the sde error log
when SDEVERBOSE is set.
NIM049743 - Gsrvr crash occurs for certain queries where ArcSDE requires
additional internal described columns in order to retrieve results.
Oracle Spatial
NIM043243 - When creating an Oracle Spatial layer using the SDO_SRID
parameter, the Oracle Spatial spatial reference WKT is stored. We should
be storing the ESRI version.
NIM045165 - SDO_Geometry objects comprising of only curved segments can no
longer be index at Oracle when stored using a multipart triplet.
NIM046899 - With SDO_SRID paraeters set, invalid metadata is inserted into
SDO metadata views.
NIM047917 - When a SDO_Geometry table is registered to SDE, the A and D table
get dupicates of the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA row, but the history table
does not.
NIM049887 - When using Oracle 11g, spatial queries against three dimensional
feature classes do not return any results.
NIM049959 - SDE has to insert the L value in the SDO_Geoemtry GTYPE (DLTT),
setting it to 0 is not longer enough at 11g.
Oracle ST_Geometry
NIM034655 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Provide optimized secondary filtering
when performing relational operators.
NIM042228 - Spatial type for Oracle: Disassociate the st_contains operator
from the domain index st_spatial_index. (Please see technical article 36195 for more details.)
NIM042709 - Edits on ST_GEOMETRY produces shape area (shape.area) and shape
length (shape.len) field with 0 values if “move edits to base” option is
selected to register the feature class as versioned.
NIM042753 - Add support for SE_ROW_ID column for ST_GEOMETRY type to ensure
user’s existing applications can continue to work after migrating from
NIM042754 - In Oracle, when performing a migrate to ST_GEOMETRY on a MIXED
precision feature class, the feature class remains set to MIXED precision
when it should be updated to HIGH. (Please see technical article 36254 for
more details.)
NIM045282 - ArcIMS Spatial query on a versioned featureclass stored as
ST_GEOMETRY fails with -51 error (returns error:
com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeException) and does not draw when there is only
one state (state zero) in the ArcSDE geodatabase.
NIM046027 - Identify returns "Nothing found" against features in a spatial
view based upon ST_GEOMETRY point feature class.
NIM046968 - Spatial type for Oracle: ArcGIS should not be explicitly granting
privileges on the domain index object. (Please see technical article 37104 for more details.)
NIM047268 - Unable to view / use geometries when the shape column is
ST_GEOMETRY and accessed through a view that uses column aliases and is
joined to another table. The exact same workflow works when using
NIM047285 - Ora-0923 error when attempting to select or identify with an
st_geometry point featureclass.
NIM047307 - Spatial type for Oracle: Objects registered as versioned with the
move edits to base option can encounter data inconsistencies if two users
edit the same object. (Please see technical article 37102 for more
NIM047400 - When making a direct connection to a schema (project) gdb using
ST_Geometry an error is returned when trying to access the ST_ functions
from the project instance.
NIM047564 - Spatial type for Oracle: Using Oracle datapump with the
remap_schema option creates invalid entries in the sde.st_geometry_columns
table. (Please see technical article 37103 for more details.)
NIM048154 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Prevent the migration of layers to
st_geometry if they have dependent views.
NIM049372 - If the operating system is a French or German version of Windows,
copy/paste point feature class from file geodatabase to ArcSDE
9.3SP1/9.3.1 with defaults dbtune keyword (ST_GEOMETRY) fails with an
error message about creating spatial index.
PostgreSQL Specific
NIM039417 - Postgres: When loading a multipart polygon shapefile into a
PostgreSQL geodatabase as PG_GEOMETRY storage type, using the shp2sde
command, all features are not visible.
NIM045676 - IQueryDef.Evaluate() fails with error, "Invalid parameter value
passed to function when joining on two tables.
NIM047566 - The z-value envelope information is missing in the sde.sde_layers
SQL Server Specific
NIM039409 - When attempting to delete a user defined attribute from a
versioned object,the following error message is returned: 'Explicit drop
index not allowed on A table index'.
NIM042206 - Error when saving edits on an Archived Featureclass when using
Direct Connect.
NIM043072 - Inserting a feature with out of bounds geometry changes the
feature class extent.
NIM043242 - When applying a select by attribute query on a FeatureClass with
geometry spatial type, it fails with a network i/o error.
NIM045639 - SQL Server 2000: Users who are members of database or server
roles like sysadmin or db_datareader cannot see data that they do not own.
NIM045726 - Improve performance of spatial queries with definition queries /
attribute filters.
NIM046752 - When creating multiversioned view for feature class with
nvarchar(n), n is doubled to 2n thus limiting the maximum nvarchar field
length to 2000 if it needs to be incorporated in a multiversioned view.
NIM047207 - Compress fails with primary key violation on SDE_Geometry CAD
side table when duplicate cad element is updated to state_id 0.
NIM049776 - Rebuilding a spatial index on an archived feature class (_H
class) fails with Trigger does not exist error.
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