<RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL Attribute Description Table

     image ="path to image file"
     url ="url string"
     antialiasing ="true | false"  [false]
     boundary ="true | false"  [false]
     font ="Any system font"  [Arial]
     fontcolor ="0,0,0 - 255,255,255"  [0,0,0]
     fontsize ="1 - NNN"  [12]
     fontstyle ="regular | bold | italic | underline | outline | bolditalic"  [regular]
     labelmode ="full | numericonly"  [numericonly]
     printmode ="titlecaps | allupper | alllower | none"  [none]
     shadow ="0,0,0 - 255,255,255"
     textposition ="0,0 - N,N"
     transparency ="0.0 - 1.0"  [1.0]

     No child elements
Bold: Attribute or child element is required.




Attribute Descriptions for RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL:

Attribute Usage Back to Top
antialiasing Used to make edges of labels and symbols smoother. When set to true, antialiasing is active. Note that the time to generate a map may significantly increase when antialiasing is turned on.
boundary Draws a boundary around feature. Only valid with Feature MapServices.
font Font name. The name is case sensitive. If font name uses "&", use "&amp;" instead. For example, ESRI Transportation & Civic should be written as ESRI Transportation &amp; Civic. For Feature MapServices, the font must reside on the client machine or else the system default font is used.
fontcolor Font color using RGB values.
fontsize Font size.
fontstyle Font style.
image Full pathname to image. ArcIMS Spatial Server uses this pathname to find the image and add it to the map. UNC pathnames can be used (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
labelmode Determines what value is drawn on raster shield. If "full" is used, the entire field value, such as I-80, is displayed. If "numericonly" is used, only numbers within the field are displayed. For example, I-80 is displayed as 80.
printmode Determines how labels are printed. If "none" is used, no change is made to the label: Welcome to ArcIMS. If "alllower" is used, all letters are lowercase: welcome to arcims. If "allupper" is used, all letters are uppercase: WELCOME TO ARCIMS. If "titlecaps" is used, the first letter of each word in a label is uppercase and everything else is lowercase: Welcome To Arcims.
shadow Shadow color using RGB values.
textposition Determines where text is placed in relation to shield image. The coordinate 0,0 is in the top left corner, and x and y are positive and measured in pixels. If attribute is not used, then text is placed in center of shield image.
transparency Value to set percentage of transparency. 1.0 is 0 percent transparent. 0.0 is 100 percent transparent.
url URL used by client to retrieve image.


Example 1: When in a SIMPLELABELRENDERER in CONFIG or REQUEST. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" />
      <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" />
      <SCREEN dpi="96" />
        <ENVELOPE minx="-178.215027" miny="18.924782" maxx="-66.969849" maxy="71.406647" name="Initial_Extent" />
         <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
         <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="<path to USA ESRIDATA>"/>
      <LAYER type="featureclass" name="ROADS" visible="true" id="1">
        <DATASET name="ROADS" type="line" workspace="shp_ws-0" />
            <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL transparency="1.0" font="Arial" fontstyle="bolditalic" fontsize="16" fontcolor="255,255,255" shadow="125,125,125" printmode="alllower" labelmode="numericonly" textposition="4,4" antialiasing="true" url="http://mymachine.domain.com/website/shield.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\shield.gif" />
            <SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="solid" width="1" captype="round" jointype="round" color="255,0,0" />

Example 2: When in a VALUEMAPLABELRENDERER in CONFIG or REQUEST. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" />
      <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" />
      <SCREEN dpi="96" />
        <ENVELOPE minx="-178.215027" miny="18.924782" maxx="-66.969849" maxy="71.406647" name="Initial_Extent" />
         <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
         <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="<path to USA ESRIDATA>"/>
      <LAYER type="featureclass" name="ROADS2" visible="true" id="100">
        <DATASET name="ROADS" type="line" workspace="shp_ws-0" />
          <VALUEMAPLABELRENDERER lookupfield="ADMN_CLASS" labelfield="ROUTE" linelabelposition="placeabove">
          <EXACT value="State Highway" label="State Highway">
            <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL font="Arial" fontstyle="bold" fontsize="16" fontcolor="255,255,255" labelmode="numericonly" url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/state.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\state.gif" />
          <EXACT value="US Highway" label="US Highway">
            <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL font="Arial" fontstyle="bold" fontsize="16" fontcolor="0,0,0" labelmode="numericonly" url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/us.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\us.gif" />
          <EXACT value="Interstate" label="Interstate">
            <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL font="Arial" fontstyle="bold" fontsize="16" fontcolor="255,255,255" labelmode="numericonly" url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/interstate.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\interstate.gif" />
            <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL transparency="1.0" font="Arial" fontstyle="bolditalic" fontsize="16" fontcolor="255,255,255" shadow="125,125,125" url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/other.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\other.gif" />
            <SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="solid" width="1" captype="round" jointype="round" color="33,44,27" />

Example 3: When layer rendering is included in SERVICEINFO and RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL is restricted. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
        <LOCALE language="en" country="US" />
        <UIFONT name="Arial" color="0,0,0" size="12" style="regular" />
        <SEPARATORS cs=" " ts=";"/>
        <SCREEN dpi="96"/>
        <IMAGELIMIT pixelcount="1048576" />
        <ENVELOPE minx="-141.003005981445" miny="41.9133186340332" maxx="-52.6202812194824" maxy="83.1083221435546" name="Initial_Extent" />
        <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
      <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" visible="true" name="province" id="0">
        <FCLASS type="polygon"> </FCLASS>
          <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="227,227,27" />
      <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" visible="true" name="ROADS" id="1">
        <FCLASS type="line"> </FCLASS>
            <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/shield.gif" />
            <SIMPLELINESYMBOL color="255,0,0" />