Description Table |
image ="path to image file" url ="url string" antialiasing ="true | false" [false] boundary ="true | false" [false] font ="Any system font" [Arial] fontcolor ="0,0,0 - 255,255,255" [0,0,0] fontsize ="1 - NNN" [12] fontstyle ="regular | bold | italic | underline | outline | bolditalic" [regular] labelmode ="full | numericonly" [numericonly] printmode ="titlecaps | allupper | alllower | none" [none] shadow ="0,0,0 - 255,255,255" textposition ="0,0 - N,N" transparency ="0.0 - 1.0" [1.0] > No child elements </RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL > | |
Bold: Attribute or child element is
required. |
Attribute | Usage | Back to Top |
antialiasing | Used to make edges of labels and symbols smoother. When set to true, antialiasing is active. Note that the time to generate a map may significantly increase when antialiasing is turned on. | |
boundary | Draws a boundary around feature. Only valid with Feature MapServices. | |
font | Font name. The name is case sensitive. If font name uses "&", use "&" instead. For example, ESRI Transportation & Civic should be written as ESRI Transportation & Civic. For Feature MapServices, the font must reside on the client machine or else the system default font is used. | |
fontcolor | Font color using RGB values. | |
fontsize | Font size. | |
fontstyle | Font style. | |
image | Full pathname to image. ArcIMS Spatial Server uses this pathname to find the image and add it to the map. UNC pathnames can be used (\\myComputer\arcims\output). | |
labelmode | Determines what value is drawn on raster shield. If "full" is used, the entire field value, such as I-80, is displayed. If "numericonly" is used, only numbers within the field are displayed. For example, I-80 is displayed as 80. | |
printmode | Determines how labels are printed. If "none" is used, no change is made to the label: Welcome to ArcIMS. If "alllower" is used, all letters are lowercase: welcome to arcims. If "allupper" is used, all letters are uppercase: WELCOME TO ARCIMS. If "titlecaps" is used, the first letter of each word in a label is uppercase and everything else is lowercase: Welcome To Arcims. | |
shadow | Shadow color using RGB values. | |
textposition | Determines where text is placed in relation to shield image. The coordinate 0,0 is in the top left corner, and x and y are positive and measured in pixels. If attribute is not used, then text is placed in center of shield image. | |
transparency | Value to set percentage of transparency. 1.0 is 0 percent transparent. 0.0 is 100 percent transparent. | |
url | URL used by client to retrieve image. |
Example 1: When in a SIMPLELABELRENDERER in CONFIG or REQUEST. | Back to Top |
<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8"?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <CONFIG> <ENVIRONMENT> <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" /> <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" /> <SCREEN dpi="96" /> </ENVIRONMENT> <MAP> <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-178.215027" miny="18.924782" maxx="-66.969849" maxy="71.406647" name="Initial_Extent" /> <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" /> </PROPERTIES> <WORKSPACES> <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="<path to USA ESRIDATA>"/> </WORKSPACES> <LAYER type="featureclass" name="ROADS" visible="true" id="1"> <DATASET name="ROADS" type="line" workspace="shp_ws-0" /> <GROUPRENDERER> <SIMPLELABELRENDERER field="ROUTE"> <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL transparency="1.0" font="Arial" fontstyle="bolditalic" fontsize="16" fontcolor="255,255,255" shadow="125,125,125" printmode="alllower" labelmode="numericonly" textposition="4,4" antialiasing="true" url="http://mymachine.domain.com/website/shield.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\shield.gif" /> </SIMPLELABELRENDERER> <SIMPLERENDERER> <SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="solid" width="1" captype="round" jointype="round" color="255,0,0" /> </SIMPLERENDERER> </GROUPRENDERER> </LAYER> </MAP> </CONFIG> </ARCXML> |
Example 2: When in a VALUEMAPLABELRENDERER in CONFIG or REQUEST. | Back to Top |
<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8"?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <CONFIG> <ENVIRONMENT> <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" /> <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" /> <SCREEN dpi="96" /> </ENVIRONMENT> <MAP> <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-178.215027" miny="18.924782" maxx="-66.969849" maxy="71.406647" name="Initial_Extent" /> <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" /> </PROPERTIES> <WORKSPACES> <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="<path to USA ESRIDATA>"/> </WORKSPACES> <LAYER type="featureclass" name="ROADS2" visible="true" id="100"> <DATASET name="ROADS" type="line" workspace="shp_ws-0" /> <GROUPRENDERER> <VALUEMAPLABELRENDERER lookupfield="ADMN_CLASS" labelfield="ROUTE" linelabelposition="placeabove"> <EXACT value="State Highway" label="State Highway"> <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL font="Arial" fontstyle="bold" fontsize="16" fontcolor="255,255,255" labelmode="numericonly" url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/state.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\state.gif" /> </EXACT> <EXACT value="US Highway" label="US Highway"> <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL font="Arial" fontstyle="bold" fontsize="16" fontcolor="0,0,0" labelmode="numericonly" url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/us.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\us.gif" /> </EXACT> <EXACT value="Interstate" label="Interstate"> <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL font="Arial" fontstyle="bold" fontsize="16" fontcolor="255,255,255" labelmode="numericonly" url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/interstate.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\interstate.gif" /> </EXACT> <OTHER> <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL transparency="1.0" font="Arial" fontstyle="bolditalic" fontsize="16" fontcolor="255,255,255" shadow="125,125,125" url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/other.gif" image="c:\arcims\website\other.gif" /> </OTHER> </VALUEMAPLABELRENDERER> <SIMPLERENDERER> <SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="solid" width="1" captype="round" jointype="round" color="33,44,27" /> </SIMPLERENDERER> </GROUPRENDERER> </LAYER> </MAP> </CONFIG> </ARCXML> |
Example 3: When layer rendering is included in SERVICEINFO and RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL is restricted. | Back to Top |
<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF8"?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <RESPONSE> <SERVICEINFO> <ENVIRONMENT> <LOCALE language="en" country="US" /> <UIFONT name="Arial" color="0,0,0" size="12" style="regular" /> <SEPARATORS cs=" " ts=";"/> <SCREEN dpi="96"/> <IMAGELIMIT pixelcount="1048576" /> </ENVIRONMENT> <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-141.003005981445" miny="41.9133186340332" maxx="-52.6202812194824" maxy="83.1083221435546" name="Initial_Extent" /> <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" /> </PROPERTIES> <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" visible="true" name="province" id="0"> <FCLASS type="polygon"> </FCLASS> <SIMPLERENDERER> <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="227,227,27" /> </SIMPLERENDERER> </LAYERINFO> <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" visible="true" name="ROADS" id="1"> <FCLASS type="line"> </FCLASS> <GROUPRENDERER> <SIMPLELABELRENDERER field="ROUTE"> <RASTERSHIELDSYMBOL url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/website/shield.gif" /> </SIMPLELABELRENDERER> <SIMPLERENDERER> <SIMPLELINESYMBOL color="255,0,0" /> </SIMPLERENDERER> </GROUPRENDERER> </LAYERINFO> </SERVICEINFO> </RESPONSE> </ARCXML> |