Mapping the Nation: Creating the World We Want to See

136 Another objective is to predict how long it will take to search an area, based on factors such as population density, distance traveled, and severity of impact. This leap will help leaders allocate the right number of resources for the task ahead, whether the mission is in a city or rural area. The ability will build on past performance to know what teams are capable of accomplishing. Tablets and phones were used on the Hurricane Ian response, and both will continue to be supported for SARCOP. But with GPS and data capture tools in use, better battery charging systems are needed to keep devices powered during dynamic searches. Internet access is key to collaboration, and continuing to improve connectivity is a high priority. A preincident image of Fort Myers Beach is easily compared with the next image of post-incident damage to see what has changed. The post-incident image of Fort Myers Beach shows the extent of the damage.