Mapping the Nation: Creating the World We Want to See

137 The outreach continues with states, cities, counties, and agencies, such as the US Coast Guard, to spread the word about SARCOP and welcome wider participation. The more people who use it, the more effective it can become. With greater information sharing at the outset, the stage can be set for a swifter recovery. “We’re there for two weeks, mostly to protect and save lives,” Doherty said. “At the end, we package up the information to give it to the local agency to help them plan the recovery. Recovery is the long game, because that will last months and years, and we’re happy to help them get off to a good start.” The SARCOP damage map classifies buildings in red for major damage and purple for destroyed. The maps for tracking the path of teams begin to look like scribbled crayon marks, showing where people have been and where there are gaps in coverage. Public Safety