Mapping the Nation: Creating the World We Want to See

140 “We can share data and visualizations with 25,000 people in real time,” Sena said. “Fusion centers have never had that capacity before.” Sena hopes to continue to refine T-REX and expand it to 100,000 concurrent users, with the ability to conduct real-time briefings for all fusion centers and their stakeholders in local law enforcement. “The goal is to ingest data from whatever sources and pull it onto maps,” he said. “Ultimately, we hope to identify anyone who is causing harm to the community and a way to both see the threats and understand how to defeat them.” video conferencing. He reached out to Esri and Microsoft— companies that engineer two of the core technologies all agencies possess—to combine the best of Esri’s GIS map visualization capabilities with the collaborative tools of Microsoft Teams. They created the Threat Reporting Exchange, or T-REX, as a proof of concept. It brings Esri and Microsoft platforms together in a collaborative space with a shared dashboard, an area for analysis, and a way to see real-time trends across the nation. The Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program, or ODMAP, links first responders and relevant record management systems to a mapping tool to track overdoses to stimulate real-time response and strategic analysis across jurisdictions. It was developed by the Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, or HIDTA.