147 Smart Planning The map of building footprints has color coding for 26 different building types, including four residential and 22 nonresidential types that align to major employment categories in the region. Many planners who have seen the visual result were quick to ask if they could share it with their planning commissions, township boards, and communities. Nutting hopes that municipalities will start to require building information models as part of their planning process because that would make pulling the details together much easier. “With all the growth that’s happening, our plan is to divide the region into places that we talk to every year, instead of every three to five years,” Nutting said. “That way when we get to this point in five years, the model will largely be in place already.” The regional plan also serves to show residents that their region is well into its rebound. “There have been a lot of changes, particularly in the city of Detroit where city leaders have a plan, they’re following it, and it’s working,” Nutting said. Many communities in Detroit are growing at a fast pace, including downtown. Map of residential construction in Southeast Michigan shows 2021 building permits across the region.