Mapping the Nation: Creating the World We Want to See

163 Smart Planning the site of a former metal plating facility currently going through cleanup. Using 3D tools in ArcGIS to visualize the area, MetroCOG staff created a digital twin of the site. The immersive model displayed several redevelopment scenarios. Accompanied by the deep-dive details in the brownfields tool, the work impressed the EPA, which showcased the project during its 2019 National Brownfields Training Conference. “The metal plating site in Stratford is next to another site undergoing extensive remediation with the help of US EPA,” Carleton said. “They are both close to the interstate and close to commercial and industrial corridors within the town, and the visualization helps the town market those properties.” Meeting Industrial Demands A 2022 MetroCOG economic development survey identified industrial space as being the highest in demand for real estate. The survey cites a growing need for space from companies in the transportation, logistics, and supply chain industries. With a port, an interstate, and a state highway that originates in Bridgeport and moves north to connect to Interstate 84, the region is wellpositioned for advanced manufacturing. Defense contractors, such as Sikorsky Aircraft headquartered in Stratford, reinforce the viability of the area. With more than 300 manufacturers—ranging from small to multinational—in the region, MetroCOG and the municipalities it serves are hopeful that new industrial uses will lead to renewal and drive the economy forward. “Mapping the vacant or underutilized parcels in the region has helped us work with our municipalities and with developers to prioritize locations for remediation,” Fulda said. “We’re hopeful those locations will have a cascading effect, to get more properties cleaned up, advertised, and developed so they will attract other developments.” An abandoned factory is ready for reinvention in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Image courtesy of MetroCOG Gutted industrial building interior. Image courtesy of MetroCOG.