Mapping the Nation: Creating the World We Want to See

206 Advancing Enterprise Recordkeeping Starker had investigated investing in an enterprise resource planning system—a large database—but opted to build new tools using GIS. With the commitment to GIS, the Starker team worked with Esri to build field apps for specific workflows. The mobile-first approach meant that the tools would be used first in the forest to capture details specific to the different operational phases, from harvesting to reforestation. Addressing end-to-end workflows with tailored tools often starts with Survey123, an app with simple forms that record data that can then be analyzed in the office. The data also feeds dashboards built with Dashboards to show progress toward goals such as the yearly planting of more than 500,000 trees. Starker foresters manage more than 90,000 acres of coast range forests, including Douglas fir, Oregon white oak, western red cedar, western hemlock, ponderosa pine, Oregon ash, and grand fir. The company doesn’t own a mill, or the mechanized equipment used to harvest trees. Instead, it uses contractors to harvest trees approximately 1,000 acres per year, with some thinning and clear-cutting. With the new tools, the foresters have realized time savings for repeatable workflows and gained a better understanding of the health of the forest. Every year, hiring ramps up in the summer for forestry interns who take an inventory of portions of the forest. They check for survival of the trees planted in previous years and gather details on competing vegetation that might trigger the need to apply herbicide to help the seedlings survive. “A dashboard helps us quickly look at thousands of plots to see where we have issues,” Allen said. “We share that information with our board and use it to make management decisions.” Managing Sustainable Harvesting Practices Starker Forests is certified by the American Tree Farm System, which audits and validates the company’s management practices. The certification process ensures that the company’s management plan improves air, water, and soil quality while managing habitat for wildlife and cutting back on invasive species. Starker Forests follows the best management practices outlined by the American Tree Farm System. Signage helps signal management practices that lead to a healthy forest. Image courtesy of Starker Forests.