Mapping the Nation: Creating the World We Want to See

with an ongoing project that explores learning through the lens of ãina, referring to land and earth and all that thrive there (humans, animals, plants, and fungi). The Journey Ahead Each interactive 2892 story collection asks learners to consider hard questions, seek out hidden histories, and retell previously misleading or long ignored stories in their own communities. Equity and Social Justice For 2892 storytellers, exploring communities has paved the way to celebrate cultures and reclaim their spaces. The 2892 Miles to Go: Geographic Walk for Justice project continues, with more communities using ArcGIS StoryMaps stories to compile resources and create community collaborations. There is an open call for participation for anyone interested to tell their community’s stories. In the Rondo community in St. Paul, stories have become part of the landscape through the Rondo Commemorative Plaza—an outdoor park featuring this memorial wall. Image courtesy of TEN x TEN Studio. 51