Mapping the Nation: Creating the World We Want to See

84 An ancient African folktale tells of elephants that are afraid of honeybees. In 2006, researchers proved that tiny insects can indeed affect—and help save—the world’s largest land mammal. Lucy King, head of the Elephants and Bees Project for Kenya-based Save the Elephants, had the idea to play recordings of swarming African honeybees near elephant Mapping a Nature-Based Solution to Human-Elephant Conflict herds and saw how the huge animals quickly run away. Her findings are the foundation of a creative solution that saves elephants’ lives by using beehives to redirect elephants before they interact with humans. In Kenya, the majority of wildlife live outside protected areas. Elephants can become a nuisance for farmers, who suffer devastating crop raids when the hungry giants trample their Elephants drink from the river along one of their migration routes.