The Power of Where Preview

Chapter 01: What Is the Geographic Approach? 9 1. Conservation science and action: Florida wetland restoration. 2. Business and economic development: Food and beverage processing assets in south Vancouver, British Columbia. 3. Renewable energy: New York State offshore windmill suitability. 4. Transportation planning and management: Japan traffic congestion survey. 5. Climate change and environmental monitoring: Geospatial climate intelligence. 6. Health and human services: Malaria incidence in the Greater Mekong Subregion of Southeast Asia. GIS WORK AROUND THE GLOBE Because the collective GIS community works across geographic extents and scales that relate to virtually any type of activity, the scope and depth of what their work represents is almost endless. The next few pages present examples of the major categories of geospatial applications carried out by GIS professionals around the world. 1 3 4 5 6 2