Aliasing the ArcIMS Servlet Connector

ESRI Technical Paper DRAFT
Originally posted December 20, 2001
Updated July 25, 2002

Question: Using a number of ArcIMS clients, such as ArcMap and ArcExplorer, users can view, query, and even save features from ArcIMS map services. I want to allow only browser clients to access my map services, but I don't want to require browser clients to enter a username and password in order to access the services. How can I do this?

Answer: Deploy the ArcIMS Servlet Connector in a Web application. A browser-based client, such as the HTML Viewer, will be able to access map services, while other ArcXML-capable clients (including ArcExplorer 3+, ArcMap, and ArcPad) will not.

Note: An earlier version of this document described a less effective strategy --- creating an alias path for the Servlet Connector using standard servlet engine functionality. This document describes a more effective strategy --- building a simple Web application to redirect incoming requests to a relocated and/or renamed Servlet Connector.

While there are a variety of techniques for creating a Web application, this document outlines only one approach for each servlet engine. In each approach, the basic procedure is as follows:

  1. Deploy the ArcIMS Servlet Connector in a Web application
  2. Configure the new Web application for use with your Web server
  3. Configure your Web server to use the new Web application
  4. Configure your client applications to use the new Web application
  5. Restrict the default Servlet Connector

Instruction sets are included for the following servlet engines and Web servers. For other servlet engines and Web servers, consult your documentation.

Preliminary Notes
  1. While the technique described in this document (i.e., aliasing the Servlet Connector using a Web application) is highly effective, it may still be possible to customize ArcMap or other ArcXML-capable clients to gain access to map services.In order to do this, an individual would first need to learn the new location and/or name of the moved Servlet Connector, and then customize their client application to use the moved Servlet Connector.Thorough testing is recommended.

  2. The last step in the procedure will be to restrict access to the default ArcIMS Servlet Connector through authentication. Note that this will affect how ArcIMS administration takes place. In particular, you will not be able to design Web sites using ArcIMS Designer while authentication is enabled. To use Designer, you first need to temporarily disable authentication on the default Servlet Connector. More information is provided in the instruction sets below.

Instruction Sets

Click on an instruction set to get more information.

Internet Information Server with Jakarta-Tomcat, and Apache with Jakarta-Tomcat (Windows and UNIX)

The following instructions explain how to create a Web application in Tomcat that will contain only the ArcIMS Servlet Connector. These instructions assume you are using version 3.2.3 of Tomcat. Substitute your version and directory names as necessary. Note: Tomcat is also known as Apache Tomcat at version 4.0.

A. Move the Servlet Connector into a Web application

  1. Use a command line (UNIX) or Explorer (Windows) to navigate to your Tomcat installation. A typical Windows example is C:\Jakarta-Tomcat-3.2.3\webapps.

  2. Create a new directory under webapps named with the URL prefix you want to use for the ArcIMS Servlet Connector. The example used here is arcims.

  3. Inside the new directory, create a WEB-INF directory (case sensitive), then, inside WEB-INF, create a directory called classes. Your directory structure should look like this:
           ---- webapps
                   ---- arcims
                           ---- WEB-INF
                                   ---- classes
    No files need exist inside the Web application (arcims) directory at this point - just the WEB-INF and classes subdirectories.

  4. Copy the Servlet Connector files from the ArcIMS install directory (on Windows, typically at C:\Program Files\ESRI\ArcIMS3.1\Connectors\Servlet) to the WEB-INF\classes directory you created above. The files for ArcIMS 3.1 are:
    • Esrimap_prop
    • jaxp.jar
    • parser.jar
    • (or equivalent)
    • WMSEsrimap_prop
    • the entire com directory

    Note: For ArcIMS 4.0, you do not need to copy the arcimsServletConnector.war file.

B. Configure the Web Application in Jakarta-Tomcat

  1. In a text editor such as Notepad or vi, create a new file called web.xml, and save it to the WEB-INF folder within the Web application. The web.xml file is called the deployment descriptor for the application. Within the web.xml file, enter the lines below. Note: A sample of this file may be available at the ArcOnline web site.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
      <!-- need wildcard pattern too -->

    Note: This configuration points toward a servlet called "sorryServlet" which does not exist. If someone attempts to connect to ArcIMS with the default servlet name (com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap), they will get a file-not-found response (404 message). If preferred, you could substitute an existing servlet such as HelloWorldExample or SnoopServlet in the servlet-class tag, or create a sorryServlet class or a JSP page that displays an error message. Some servlets are typically installed at C:\Jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\webapps\examples\WEB-INF\classes. The servlet must be copied to the classes directory within the arcims Web application.

  2. Save the web.xml file and close the file from the text editor.

C. Configure Web Server to Pass Requests to Tomcat

  1. Use a text editor to configure your Web server to pass requests to Tomcat. These instructions assume you are using the AJP connector with Tomcat. Instructions are not included for other connectors (e.g., Warp).
    • Apache
      1. Open the httpd.conf file, found in the /conf directory within your Apache Web server installation directory, in the text editor.

      2. Search for the string mod_jk. If present, the line will look something like:
        Include C:/Tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf
        • If this line is present, and the file is named mod_jk.conf-auto or has auto in the path, then Tomcat probably generates the configuration file for Apache automatically. Apache should use your Web application automatically. Skip to step 2 below. If the test in step 3 does not work, you may need to return to this step and configure the configuration file manually.

        • If this line is present without "auto" in the name or path, close httpd.conf and edit the mod_jk.conf file as shown next.

        • If this line is not present, then search for the string JkMount. If present, then edit the httpd.conf file directly. If not present, then a different connector is used; consult your documentation on how to set up a context for the connector.

      3. Below the line that includes "JkMount /*.jsp", add the following lines to the file (mod_jk.conf or httpd.conf as directed above), substituting your Web application directory name as appropriate:
               JkMount /arcims     ajp12
               JkMount /arcims/*   ajp12
        Note: if you use Tomcat 4.x, use "ajp13" instead.

      4. Save the file and exit the text editor.

    • Internet Information Server (IIS)
      1. Open the file, found in the Jakarta-Tomcat-3.2.3\conf folder, in the text editor.

      2. Add the following lines to the bottom of the file, substituting your Web application directory name as appropriate:
              # New location for ArcIMS connector (webapps\arcims)
        Note: for Apache Tomcat 4.0+, use "ajp13" instead of "ajp12". These lines instruct IIS to pass requests with the /arcims URL to Tomcat.

      3. Save the file and exit the text editor.

  2. Restart the Jakarta (or Apache Tomcat) service and the Web server service (for IIS, the World Wide Web Publishing Service; for Apache, the Apache service). On Windows, use the Services window of the Control Panel (under Administrative Tools in Windows 2000). On UNIX, use a command line to stop and restart the daemons.

  3. Test the new servlet configuration by opening a browser and typing the following into the Address (location) window.


    where <servername> is your server name (or IP address), and "arcims" is the Web application URL prefix you created in step A.2, and ims is the servlet-name specified in step B.1. You should receive a simple response such as "IMS 3.1" plus build number, etc. If not, recheck the Web application URL and settings, and check that the Servlet Connector files are in the Web application's WEB-INF\classes directory.

D. Configure Your Applications to Use the Servlet Alias

In order for your client applications to use the servlet alias, you must modify them so they reference the new URL path and servlet name.

  1. For your client applications, locate and open the files indicated in a text editor:
  2. Change each occurrence of:
    where arcims is the Web application URL prefix specified in step A.2, and ims is the servlet name specified in step B.1. Note: The prefix and name are case-sensitive.

  3. Save and close the modified file(s).

  4. Test each client application to make sure it works with the new servlet path.

E. Restrict the default Servlet Connector and test

To prevent unmodified client applications from accessing your map services, you must restrict access to your original (default) copy of the Servlet Connector. You can do this easily and effectively by enabling authentication in the Esrimap_prop file.

  1. In a text editor, open the Esrimap_prop file found in the default Connector directory (typically C:\Jakarta tomcat 3.2.3\webapps\ROOT\WEB_INF\classes). Change the line:
  2. Save and close the Esrimap_prop file.

  3. Stop and restart the Jakarta service. Jakarta will re-load the modified Esrimap_prop file.

  4. Attempt to connect to your ArcIMS server with ArcMap, ArcExplorer, or ArcPad to ensure that these cannot load map services.

This will prevent any connection to map services via the default copy of the Servlet Connector. If a connecting client has not been configured as described in Step D above, the connection will be refused. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

Important note: While authentication is enabled, you will not be able to access your map services in ArcIMS Designer. If you need to use Designer, disable authentication by re-setting authenticate=False and then restart the Jakarta service. Once you are done using Designer, re-enable authentication as described above. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

Internet Information Server with JRun 3.1

Follow these steps to configure IIS with JRun so that the Servlet Connector is accessed with a different URL than the standard ArcIMS path. The process involves creating a Web application that will contain only the ArcIMS Servlet Connector.

A. Create a Web Application in Jrun

  1. Open the JRun Management Console (JMC), typically by clicking Start-Programs-JRun 3.1-JRun Management Console. Login with your JRun administrator information.

  2. In the left panel of the Management Console, click the plus sign to expand the JRun Default Server.

  3. Under the JRun Default Server listing, click Web Applications. This displays a list of current applications in the right panel.

  4. In the right panel, click the link titled Create an Application. This displays a dialog titled Web Application Information, for entering information about the new application.

  5. Under JRun Server Name, click JRun Default Server.

  6. Under Application Name, type in a name for the application. The name is optional, but helps identify the application in the JRun Management Console. The browser clients do not use this name.

  7. Under Application URL, enter a name that will be used to access the Servlet Connector location. This URL-prefix functions similarly to "servlet" in the default ArcIMS configuration. The URL-prefix is important, since you'll use it in each Web application (HTML Viewer, etc.) to access the Servlet Connector. The example for the URL used here is /arcims (include the slash).

  8. Under Application Root Directory, type a path where you will place the Servlet Connector files. This can be under the JRun program directory, such as C:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servers\default\arcims (the server may enter this path automatically). It can also be a separate folder, such as C:\ArcIMS\Servlet. This step works best if the folder does not yet exist. JRun will create the directory as necessary. Note that all application attributes can be changed later on.

  9. After the Web Application Information entries are completed, click create to create the application. You should receive a message that the application has been successfully created. If an error occurs, follow the instructions to correct the problem, then click create again.

  10. In the left panel of the JRun Management Console, click JRun Default Server. This displays the Default Server properties in the right panel.

  11. Click restart server in the right panel to restart the JRun server.

B. Configure the Servlet in the Web Application

  1. In the left side of the JRun Management Console, expand Web Applications if necessary, and then expand the entry for the new application just created, (e.g., arcims).

  2. In the arcims application, click Servlet Definitions. This displays the dialog for servlet definitions in the right panel. Use this section to configure servlet names for the Web application.

    1. In the right panel, click Edit. This pops up a window where you can define servlet names.

    2. In the pop-up window, create a servlet name by entering these values:
      for Name, enter ims;
      for Class Name, enter com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap;
      and for Display Name, enter ims.

    3. In the next line of the window, create a second servlet name:
      for Name, enter hello;
      for Class Name, enter SimpleServlet;
      and for Display Name, enter hello.

    4. Click Update to save and apply the changes to servlet names.

      Note: This configuration points toward a servlet called "SimpleServlet" which is not yet in this folder. If someone attempts to connect to ArcIMS with the default servlet name (com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap), they will get an error message. If preferred, you could copy the servlet from <JRun install dir>\servers\default\demo-app\WEB-INF\classes to the arcims\WEB-INF\classes directory. You could also use a different servlet, or create a custom servlet or JSP page that displays an error message; in which case you need to change the Class Name entry for the servlet named hello.>

  3. Next, create servlet mappings to associate URLs to the servlet names. In the left-hand panel of the JMC, click Servlet URL Mappings.
    1. In the right panel, click Edit.

    2. In the pop-up window, create a new mapping. In the first line, under Virtual Path/Extension, enter /ims; under Servlet Invoked, enter ims.

    3. In the second line of the pop-up window, under Virtual Path/Extension, enter /ims/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap; under Servlet Invoked, enter /hello. This entry is necessary due to the way ArcMap attempts to access the servlet.

    4. Click update to save the changes. This returns you to the main JMC window.

    5. You need to create one more servlet mapping. In the right-hand window, click Edit again to bring up the mappings dialog. A new line will be available for an additional mapping.

    6. In an open line, under Virtual Path/Extension, enter /servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap; under Servlet Invoked, enter /hello.

    7. Click update to save and apply the mappings.

  4. You can then close the JRun Management Console if desired.

C. Copy the Servlet Connector to the New Location

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to a copy of the Servlet Connector, typically at C:\Program Files\ESRI\ArcIMS3.1\Connectors\Servlet.

  2. Select all Servlet Connector files in this directory: Esrimap_prop, jaxp.jar, parser.jar,, (or equivalent), WMSEsrimap_prop, and the com directory. Use Edit-Copy to copy the files. Note: if using ArcIMS 4.0, you do not need to copy the arcimsServletConnector.war file.

  3. Navigate to the directory you selected above for the new Web application, (e.g., C:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servers\arcims or C:\ArcIMS\Servlet). If this directory does not exist, repeat the steps above with the JRun Management Console to create the application.

  4. Within the Web application directory, navigate to the WEB-INF\classes folder. JRun creates these folders when it creates the Web application.

  5. Paste the Servlet Connector files into this WEB-INF\classes folder.

  6. You can then close Windows Explorer.

  7. Test the new servlet configuration by opening a browser and typing into the location window:


    where <servername> is your server name (or IP address), arcims is the Web application URL prefix you entered in step A.7, and ims is the servlet name specified in step B.2.b. You should receive a simple response, such as "IMS 3.1" plus build number, etc. If not, recheck the Web application URL and settings, and check that the Servlet Connector files are in the Web application's WEB-INF\classes directory.

D. Configure Your Applications to Use the Servlet Alias

In order for your client applications to use the servlet alias, they must be modified to reference the new URL path and servlet name.

  1. For your client applications, locate and open the files indicated in a text editor:
  2. Change each occurrence of:
    where /arcims is the Web application URL prefix specified in step A.7, and ims is the servlet name specified in step B.2.b. Note: The prefix and name are case-sensitive.

  3. Save and close the modified file(s).

  4. Test each client application to make sure it works with the new servlet path.

E. Restrict the default Servlet Connector and test

To prevent unmodified client applications from accessing your map services, you must restrict access to your original (default) copy of the Servlet Connector. You can do this easily and effectively by enabling authentication in the Esrimap_prop file.

  1. In a text editor, open the Esrimap_prop file found in the default Connector directory (typically C:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servlets). Change the line:
  2. Save and close the Esrimap_prop file.

  3. Stop and restart the JRun Default Server service.

  4. Attempt to connect to your ArcIMS server with ArcMap, ArcExplorer, or ArcPad to ensure that these cannot load map services.

  5. This will prevent any connection to map services via the default copy of the Servlet Connector. If a connecting client has not been configured as described in Step D above, the connection will be refused. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

Important note: While authentication is enabled, you will not be able to access your map services in ArcIMS Designer. If you need to use Designer, disable authentication by re-setting authenticate=False and then restart the JRun Default Server service. Once you are done using Designer, re-enable authentication as described above. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

Internet Information Server with Servlet Exec

A. Create a Web Application in ServletExec

  1. Open the ServletExec Administration tool, typically by clicking Start -> Programs -> New Atlanta -> ServletExec ISAPI -> ServletExec Admin. This opens the administration tool in a browser window.

  2. In the left side of the window, under Web Applications, click configure (or manage). A list of Web applications, if any have been created, displays in the right panel.

  3. In the right hand panel, click Add Web Application... A dialog appears where you can enter information about the Web application.

  4. Type a name for the application. This name is used internally for administration in ServletExec, and is not displayed to the user. An example for name would be arcims_webapp.

  5. Enter a URL Context Path. This is the URL prefix that will be used in the browser to access the ArcIMS servlet. An example would be /arcims_path.

  6. Under Location, type a folder location for your Web application. This folder need not yet exist. The folder can be inside the ServletExec directory, or a separate directory. Web applications typically are placed within the webapps directory of the ServletExec folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\webapps). As an example, this document will use C:\ArcIMS\servlet_dir.

  7. Click Submit to create the Web application. You will be prompted to create some required resources, such as the servlet_dir directory from step 6 and necessary subdirectories. Click to confirm and create those resources. If you get errors:

B. Configure the Servlet in the Web Application

NOTE: There are two sets of steps here. The first set is for ServletExec 3.x, and the second set is for ServletExec 4.x. Please use the correct set for your version of ServletExec.

For ServletExec 3.x

  1. In the left side of the ServletExec Administration window, under Web Applications, click configure. This displays existing Web applications, including arcims_webapp created above.

  2. For the arcims_webapp Web application, under Application Settings, click Application Options (Application Settings if using 3.0). This opens a new window for administering the Web application.

  3. Create servlet names for the application:

    1. In the new window, on the left side under Servlets, click configure.
    2. In the right side, click Add Servlet... This opens a pop-up window.
    3. In the pop-up window, enter these items:

      For Servlet Name, enter ims;
      For Servlet Class, enter com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap;
      and for Display Name, enter ims.
      Then click Submit to save the name.

    4. Repeat step (c) to add another servlet name with these items: Servlet Name is hello, Servlet Class is TestServlet, and Display Name is hello.

  4. Next, create servlet mappings, which associate URLs to the servlet names.

    1. In the left side of the Web application window, under Servlets, click mappings.
    2. In the right side, for URL Pattern enter /ims, and for Servlet Name enter ims.
    3. Click Submit to save the mapping.
    4. Add two more mappings, remembering to Submit each one:

      Map /servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap to hello
      Map /servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap/* to hello

      With these mappings in place, when clients access the default path to the ArcIMS servlet, they will be redirected to the hello servlet instead.
    5. Close the Web application window.

  5. Close the ServletExec Administration window.

For ServletExec 4.x

  1. In the left side of the ServletExec Administration window, under Web Applications, click manage.This displays existing Web applications, including arcims_webapp created earlier in this procedure.

  2. For the arcims_webapp Web application, in the Edit column, click web.xml. This opens a new window for administering the Web application.

  3. Create servlet names for the application:

    1. In the new window, on the left side under Servlets, click manage.
    2. In the right side, click Add Servlet... This opens the Add a Servlet page.
    3. In the Add a Servlet page, enter these items:

      For Servlet Name, enter ims;
      For Servlet Class, enter com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap;
      and for Display Name, enter ims.
      Then click Submit to save the name.

    4. Repeat step (c) to add another servlet name with these items: Servlet Name is hello, Servlet Class is TestServlet, and Display Name is hello.

  4. Next, create servlet mappings to associate URLs to the servlet names.

    1. In the left side of the Web application window, under Servlets, click mapping.
    2. In the right side, for URL Pattern enter /ims, and for Servlet Name enter ims.
    3. Click Submit to save the mapping.
    4. Add two more mappings, remembering to Submit each one:

      Map /servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap to hello
      Map /servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap/* to hello

      With these mappings in place, when clients access the default path to the ArcIMS servlet, they will be redirected to the hello servlet instead.
    5. Close the Web application window.

  5. Close the ServletExec Administration window.

C. Copy the Servlet Connector to the New Location

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder created above for the Web application, for example C:\ArcIMS\servlet_dir. Make sure that a WEB-INF folder exists within this directory, and that a classes directory exists within the WEB-INF directory. If necessary, create these subdirectories.

  2. Find the ArcIMS Servlet Connector files listed below, typically located at C:\Program Files\ESRI\ArcIMS3.1\Connectors\Servlets.Copy these files into the WEB-INF\classes directory under the Web application folder, for example C:\ArcIMS\servlet_dir\WEB-INF\classes. The files to copy are:
    Note: If using ArcIMS 4.0, you do not need to copy the arcimsServletConnector.war file.

  3. Test the new servlet configuration by opening a browser and typing into the location window:


    where <servername> is your server name (or IP address), arcims_path is the Web application URL prefix from step A.5, and ims is the servlet name given in step B.3.c. You should receive a simple text response, such as "IMS v3.1" plus build number, etc. If not, recheck the Web application URL and settings, and check that the Servlet Connector files are in the Web application's WEB-INF\classes directory.

D. Configure Your Applications to Use the Servlet Alias

In order for your client applications to use the servlet alias, they must be modified to reference the new URL path and servlet name.

  1. For your client applications, locate and open the files indicated in a text editor:
  2. Change each occurrence of:
    where arcims_path is the Web application URL prefix specified in step A.5, and ims is the servlet name specified in step B.3.c. Note: The URL prefix is case-sensitive.

  3. Save and close the modified file(s).

  4. Test each client application to make sure it works with the new servlet path.

E. Restrict the default Servlet Connector and test

To prevent unmodified client applications from accessing your map services, you must restrict access to your original (default) copy of the Servlet Connector. You can do this easily and effectively by enabling authentication in the Esrimap_prop file.

  1. In a text editor, open the Esrimap_prop file found in the default Connector directory (typically C:Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\Servlets). Change the line:
  2. Save and close the Esrimap_prop file.

  3. Stop and restart the IIS Admin service (and all related services, such as the World Wide Web Publishing service). This will cause ServletExec to re-load the modified Esrimap_prop file.

  4. Attempt to connect to your ArcIMS server with ArcMap, ArcExplorer, or ArcPad to ensure that these cannot load map services.

    This will prevent any connection to map services via the default copy of the Servlet Connector. If a connecting client has not been configured as described in Step D above, the connection will be refused. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

    Important note: While authentication is enabled, you will not be able to access your map services in ArcIMS Designer. If you need to use Designer, disable authentication by re-setting authenticate=False and then restart the IIS Admin service.Once you are done using Designer, re-enable authentication as described above. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

IPlanet 4.1

Note: These instructions are for iPlanet 4.1 only. These instructions should not be used with iPlanet 6.0 or later, because later versions of iPlanet support the more secure method of using a Web application to alias the Servlet Connector. The following text describes the difference in security (text taken from the ESRI white paper entitled How to Manage the Data Sharing Capabilities of an ArcIMS Mapservice, available from

"[When aliasing the Servlet Connector as described in steps A through E below,]... if the servlet alias URL is obtained, the URL used by ArcMap and other clients can be adjusted to regain full access to ArcIMS services. The servlet alias URL may be obtained in a number of ways - for example, by examining the HTML Viewer files, which are easily extracted from the client browser's cache."

A. Copy the Servlet Connector to a New Location

  1. Create a new directory where you will store the copy of the Servlet Connector files, and then copy the following Servlet Connector files to this new folder:

B. Configure the Servlet Alias in iPlanet

  1. Open the iPlanet Server Manager browser-based tool, and log in with your administrator name and password.

  2. The Servers tab should be active, with the Manage Servers option displayed. In the Manage Servers list, select the Web server to manage (if necessary) and click Manage. This displays the Web server's settings panel.

  3. Near the top of the window, click the tab title Servlets (for iPlanet 4.1) or Legacy Servlets (for iPlanet 6.0). This displays the options for managing servlets along the left-hand side of the window.

  4. In the left side of the window, click Configure Servlet Attributes. This displays a panel to configure servlets.

    1. For Servlet Name, enter a name (e.g., ims)
    2. For Servlet Code (class name), enter com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap
    3. For Servlet Classpath, enter the full path to the directory you created above for the copy of the Servlet Connector. An example used here for Windows is C:/iPlanet/arcims.
    4. Leave Servlet Args blank
    5. Click OK.
    6. In the Save and Apply Changes dialog that appears, you can just click Save (you will apply all changes shortly). Dismiss the pop-up that confirms your saved changes.

  5. In the left side of the window, click Configure Servlet Virtual Path Translation. This displays the panel for associating a URL with the servlet name you just created.

    1. For Virtual Path, type a URL path you want to use for your Web sites. The example used here will be /arcims/ims.
    2. For Servlet Name, enter the name you used for the servlet name item above, such as ims.
    3. Click OK.
    4. In the Save and Apply Changes dialog that appears, click Save and Apply. You should receive a pop-up dialog confirming your changes. Dismiss the pop-up.
    5. Test the servlet alias. Open a Web browser and enter the following in the location slot:


      where <servername> is the name or IP address of your server, and /arcims/ims is the virtual path you created in the previous step with the iPlanet Server Manager. You should receive a simple response such as "IMS v3.1" plus build number. If you get an error message, recheck the settings in the iPlanet Server Manager, and ensure that a copy of the Servlet Connector files is present in the directory you indicated for the Servlet Classpath above. You may then close the iPlanet Server Manager.

C. Continue with Step D

This is a placeholder step, intended only to help maintain consistency throughout this document.Please continue with step D below.

D. Configure Your Applications to Use the Servlet Alias

In order for your client applications to use the servlet alias, they must be modified to reference the new URL path and servlet name.

  1. For your client applications, locate and open the files indicated in a text editor:
  2. Change each occurrence of:
    where arcims_path is the Web application URL prefix specified in step A.1.a, and ims is the servlet name specified in step B.4.a. Note: The URL prefix is case-sensitive.

  3. Save and close the modified file(s).

  4. Test each client application to make sure it works with the new servlet path.

E. Restrict the default Servlet Connector and test

To prevent unmodified client applications from accessing your map services, you must restrict access to your original (default) copy of the Servlet Connector. You can do this easily and effectively by enabling authentication in the Esrimap_prop file.

  1. In a text editor, open the Esrimap_prop file found in the default Connector directory (iPlanet 4 for Windows is typically C:\Netscape\Server4\docs\servlet, and for UNIX is typically iPlanet/server4/docs/servlet). Change the line:
  2. Save and close the Esrimap_prop file.

  3. Stop and restart the iPlanet (iWS) service or daemon. This will cause iPlanet to re-load the modified Esrimap_prop file.

  4. Attempt to connect to your ArcIMS server with ArcMap, ArcExplorer, or ArcPad to ensure that these cannot load map services.

This will prevent any connection to map services via the default copy of the Servlet Connector. If a connecting client has not been configured as described in Step D above, the connection will be refused. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

Important note: While authentication is enabled, you will not be able to access your map services in ArcIMS Designer. If you need to use Designer, disable authentication by re-setting authenticate=False and then restart the iPlanet (iWS) service or daemon.Once you are done using Designer, re-enable authentication as described above. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

iPlanet 6.0

Note: These instructions are only for iPlanet versions 6.0 and later. These instructions cannot be used with earlier versions of iPlanet, because earlier versions of iPlanet do not support Web applications. If you are using an earlier version of iPlanet, please see the iPlanet 4.1 section above, and be sure to read the Note at the beginning of that section.

A. Copy the Servlet Connector to a New Location

On Windows

  1. Open Windows Explorer, and create a new directory where you will store the copy of the Servlet Connector files. This can be within the iPlanet directory (e.g., C:\iPlanet,but not within the default docs directory), or another location, such as C:\ArcIMS\Servlet. A recommended location is the webapps directory inside the iPlanet installation directory. The directory can have any name, but the example used here will be arcims.

  2. Inside the new directory, create a subdirectory called WEB-INF, and inside the WEB-INF directory, create a subdirectory called classes. The names are case-sensitive. Your directory structure should look something like this:
            ---- arcims
                   ---- WEB-INF
                           ---- classes
  3. Copy the Servlet Connector files to the new classes folder inside the Web application directory. A copy of the files is in the <ArcIMS Install Directory>\Connectors\Servlet directory. The files to copy are:

    Note: You do not need to copy the arcimsServletConnector.war file.


  1. Create a new directory (this example uses arcims), in a location of your choice. The webapps directory in the iPlanet directory is a recommended location.

  2. Inside the new arcims directory, create a subdirectory called WEB-INF. Within WEB-INF, create a classes directory. See the directory structure illustration above.

  3. Copy the Servlet Connector files from the ArcIMS install directory to the new classes directory. The files to copy are:

    Note: You do not need to copy the arcimsServletConnector.war file.

B. Create Web Deployment File

  1. In a text editor such as Notepad or vi, create a new file called web.xml, and save it to the WEB-INF folder within the Web application you create above. Within the web.xml file, enter the lines below. Note: A sample of this file may be available at the Online Support Center web site.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
      <!-- need wildcard pattern too -->

    Note: This configuration points toward a servlet called "sorryServlet" which does not exist. If someone attempts to connect to ArcIMS with the default servlet name (com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap), they will get an error message. If preferred, you could substitute an existing servlet (such as HelloWorldServlet or SnoopServlet) in the servlet-class tag, or create a sorryServlet class (or a JSP page) that displays an error message. In this case, be sure to copy the existing servlet to the classes directory in your Web application. Some samples for iPlanet 6 are located at <iPlanet install dir>/plugins/servlets/examples/legacy/servlets.

  2. Save the web.xml file and close the file from the text editor.

C. Configure iPlanet to Use the Web Application

  1. Use a text editor to open the web-apps.xml file inside the <iPlanet install dir>/https-<server name>/config directory.

  2. Add the line below between the opening <vs> and closing </vs> tags. Modify the path in the dir tag to match the location and name of the Web application directory you created above. The uri value will be part of the path used to access the Servlet Connector.

    <web-app uri="/arcims" dir="C:/iPlanet/webapps/arcims" enable="true"/>

  3. Save the file and close the text editor.

  4. Restart the iPlanet (iWS) services or daemon.

  5. Test the new servlet configuration by opening a browser and typing into the location window:


    where <servername> is your server name (or IP address), arcims is the uri specified in step C.2, and ims is the servlet-name specified in step B.1. You should receive a simple response, such as "IMS 3.1" plus build number, etc. If not, recheck the servlet name and path settings in web.xml, and check that the Servlet Connector files are in the chosen directory.

D. Configure Your Applications to Use the Servlet Alias

In order for your client applications to use the servlet alias, they must be modified to reference the new URL path and servlet name.

  1. For your client applications, locate and open the files indicated in a text editor:
  2. Change each occurrence of:
    where arcims is the uri specified in step C.2, and ims is the servlet-name specified in step B.1. Note: The URL prefix is case-sensitive.

  3. Save and close the modified file(s).

  4. Test each client application to make sure it works with the new servlet path.

E. Restrict the default Servlet Connector and test

To prevent unmodified client applications from accessing your map services, you must restrict access to your original (default) copy of the Servlet Connector. You can do this easily and effectively by enabling authentication in the Esrimap_prop file.

  1. In a text editor, open the Esrimap_prop file in the default Connector directory (iPlanet 6.0 for Windows is typically C:\iPlanet\Servers\docs\servlet, and for UNIX is typically iPlanet/servers/docs/servlet).

  2. Change the line:
  3. Save and close the Esrimap_prop file.

  4. Stop and restart the iPlanet (iWS) service. This will cause iPlanet to re-load the modified Esrimap_prop file.

  5. Attempt to connect to your ArcIMS server with ArcMap, ArcExplorer, or ArcPad to ensure that these cannot load map services.

This will prevent any connection to map services via the default copy of the Servlet Connector. If a connecting client has not been configured as described in Step D above, the connection will be refused. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

Important note: While authentication is enabled, you will not be able to access your map services in ArcIMS Designer. If you need to use Designer, disable authentication by re-setting authenticate=False and then restart the iPlanet (iWS) service.Once you are done using Designer, re-enable authentication as described above. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

WebLogic 6.1 (Windows)

Follow these instructions to create a Web application that contains the ArcIMS Servlet Connector.

A. Copy the Servlet Connector to a New Location

  1. Open Windows Explorer, and create a new directory where you will store a copy of the Servlet Connector files. This can be within the WebLogic directory (e.g., C:\bea\wlserver6.1), the ArcIMS installation directory, or another location. The example used here is C:\ArcIMS\servlet. Inside the new directory, create a subdirectory called WEB-INF, and inside the WEB-INF directory, create a subdirectory called classes. Your directory structure should look something like this:

         ---- servlet
                 ---- WEB-INF
                        ---- classes
  2. Copy the Servlet Connector files to this new folder. A copy of these files is in the <ArcIMS Installation Dir>\Connectors\Servlet directory. The files to copy are:
    Note: You do not need to copy the arcimsServletConnector.war file (ArcIMS 4.0).

B. Configure the Servlet for the Web Application

  1. In a text editor such as Notepad, create a new file called web.xml, and save it to the WEB-INF folder within the Web application you create above. The web.xml file is called the deployment descriptor for the Web application. Within the web.xml file, enter the lines below. Note: A sample of this file may be available at the Online Support Center web site. You may also copy an existing web.xml file, such as the one in: <WebLogic dir>\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\DefaultWebApp\WEB-INF. If starting from another file, delete any lines between the <web-app> and </web-app> tags.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
      <!-- need wildcard pattern too -->

    Note: This configuration points toward a servlet called "sorryServlet", which does not exist. If someone attempts to connect to ArcIMS with the default servlet name (com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap), they will get an error message. If preferred, you could substitute an existing servlet (such as HelloWorldExample or SnoopServlet) in the servlet-class tag, or create a sorryServlet class (or a JSP page) that displays an error message. Copy the existing servlet to the classes directory in your Web application.

  2. Save the web.xml file and close the file from the text editor.

C. Create a Web Application in WebLogic

  1. Open the WebLogic Server Console, typically with Start-Programs > BEA Weblogic E > Business Platform > Weblogic Server 6.1 > Start Default Console.

  2. In the left side of the Server Console, expand if necessary the My domain-Deployments tree and click Web Applications. This displays the Web application information on the right side of the window.

  3. Click to Configure a New Web Application. This displays a dialog for entering Web application information.

  4. In the window for configuring the Web application, enter a Name for the application. This will be used as a prefix in the URL when users access the relocated Servlet Connector. The name used in this example is arcims.

  5. In the Path slot, type the full path to the directory you created above. In this example, the path is C:\ArcIMS\servlet.

  6. Click Create to create the Web application.

  7. With the Web application information still displayed, click the Targets tab, and then on the Servers subtab. You should see your application listed under Available.

  8. Highlight the Web application name and click the arrow to move it into the Chosen box.

  9. Click Apply to update the configuration of the Web application.

  10. In the left side of the Server Console, under My domain-Servers, click weblogic. Click on the server and on the Deployments tab, then click the Web Applications subtab. Check that your Web application (e.g., arcims) is listed under Chosen. If it is under Available, highlight it and move it to Chosen, then click Apply.

  11. Close the WebLogic Server Console.

  12. In Services panel of Control Panel, restart the WebLogic service.

  13. Test the new servlet configuration by opening a browser and typing into the location window:


    where <servername> is your server name (or IP address), arcims is the Web application name created in step C.4, and ims is the servlet name specified in step B.1. You should receive a simple response, such as "IMS 3.1" plus build number, etc. If not, recheck the Web application name and settings, and check that the Servlet Connector files are in the Web application's WEB-INF\classes directory.

D. Configure Your Applications to Use the Servlet Alias

In order for your client applications to use the servlet alias, they must be modified to reference the new URL path and servlet name.

  1. For your client applications, locate and open the files indicated in a text editor:

  2. Change each occurrence of:
    where arcims is the Web application URL prefix specified in step C.4, and ims is the servlet name specified in step B.1. Note: The URL prefix is case-sensitive.

  3. Save and close the modified file(s).

  4. Test each client application to make sure it works with the new servlet path.

E. Restrict the default Servlet Connector and test

To prevent unmodified client applications from accessing your map services, you must restrict access to your original (default) copy of the Servlet Connector. You can do this easily and effectively by enabling authentication in the Esrimap_prop file.

  1. In a text editor, open the Esrimap_prop file in the default Connector directory C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\DefaultWebApp\Web-Inf\classes).

  2. Change the line:
  3. Save and close the Esrimap_prop file.

  4. Stop and restart the Weblogic service. This will cause Weblogic to re-load the modified Esrimap_prop file.

  5. Attempt to connect to your ArcIMS server with ArcMap, ArcExplorer, or ArcPad to ensure that these cannot load map services.

This will prevent any connection to map services via the default copy of the Servlet Connector. If a connecting client has not been configured as described in Step D above, the connection will be refused. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

Important note: While authentication is enabled, you will not be able to access your map services in ArcIMS Designer. If you need to use Designer, disable authentication by re-setting authenticate=False and then restart the Weblogic service.Once you are done using Designer, re-enable authentication as described above. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

WebSphere 3.5 (Windows)

Follow these instructions to create a Web application that contains the ArcIMS Servlet Connector.

A. Create a Web Application in WebSphere

  1. Open the WebSphere Administrative Console with Start-Programs-IBM Websphere-Application Server V3.5-Administrator's Console.

  2. From the Console menu, choose Console-Tasks-Create a Web Application. This opens a new window titled Create Web Application.

  3. In the dialog, under Web Application Name, enter arcims. Make sure that Serve Servlets by Classname is unchecked. Keep the option for JSP 1.0. Click Next.

  4. The dialog asks you to "Choose a parent Servlet Engine". Expand the nodes and select Default Servlet Engine under your server name. Click Next. The next panel allows you to modify the application Description, Virtual Host and Web Application Web Path. You may modify these or leave at the defaults. It is recommended to change the Web Application Web Path in order to simplify the URL you will use. This example will use /arcims. Click Next.

  5. This panel shows advanced settings for the Web application. Note the value under Classpath; this is where you will copy the ArcIMS Servlet Connector files in step B. Because we entered arcims during step A.3 above, the path will be <WebSphere install dir>\AppServer\hosts\default_host\arcims\servlets.

  6. Click Finish to create the Web application.

B. Copy Servlet Connector Files

  1. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the <WebSphere install directory>\AppServer\hosts\default_host directory. Create a new directory here, using the same name as you entered in step A.3 (arcims, in this example).

  2. Create a subdirectory named servlets within the directory you just created. In this example, the new directory structure would be default_host\arcims\servlets.

  3. Copy the Servlet Connector files to this new servlets folder. A copy of these files is in the <ArcIMS Installation Dir>\Connectors\Servlet directory. The files to copy are:

    Note: You do not need to copy the arcimsServletConnector.war file (ArcIMS 4.0).

  4. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click in the left side on Default Server. Click the Stop button (square icon) in the toolbar to stop the server. After it stops click the Start button (triangle icon) to restart the server.

C. Configure the ArcIMS Servlet

  1. From the WebSphere Administrative Console, choose Console-Tasks-Add a Servlet. This opens a dialog titled Add a Servlet.
  2. In the dialog, under "Do you want to select an existing Servlet jar file or Directory that contains Servlet classes?," click Yes, then click Next.
  3. At the prompt to select a Web App, expand the nodes to find the server name, and expand to find Default Server-Default Servlet Engine-arcims (or your name for the Web application). Click Next.
  4. At the next panel, click Browse and locate the servlets directory inside the <WebSphere install dir>\AppServer\hosts\default_host\arcims. Highlight the servlets directory and click Open. Ensure that the File Selected: entry shows the correct path to the servlets folder directly beneath the arcims directory. Click Next.
  5. For the Type of Servlet, select Create User-Defined Servlet. Click Next.

  6. The next panel allows you to assign a name and the servlet class (file). For Servlet Name, enter ims (or your own choice of name; name is case-sensitive). For Servlet Class Name, enter com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap (this is case-sensitive). Under Servlet Web Path List, click Add. A dialog opens to enter the URL path for the servlet, with the web application already inserted. Add ims to this path, so that the path is /arcims/ims. Click OK to dismiss the dialog, which adds the path to the list in the Console panel.

  7. Click Finish to add the servlet to the Web application. You should get a message that the servlet was successfully created. You should see the servlet entry under your arcims Web application in the WebSphere Administrative Console tree (expand if necessary). At this point it will have a red icon, meaning it is not yet running.

  8. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click in the left side on Default Server. Click the Stop button (square icon) in the toolbar to stop the server. After it stops click the Start button (triangle icon) to restart the server. The servlet you created (ims) should now be displayed with a blue icon. If you highlight the ims item, the right panel displays its properties. In these properties, under Servlet Web Paths List in use:, you should see the path you entered earlier (with default_host inserted).

  9. Test the new servlet configuration by opening a browser and typing into the location window:


    where <servername> is your server name (or IP address), and arcims is the Web application Web path from step A.5, and ims is the servlet name entered in step C.6. You should receive a simple response, such as "IMS 3.1" plus build number, etc. If not, recheck the Web application name and settings, and check that the Servlet Connector files are in the Web application's WEB-INF\classes directory.

D. Configure Your Applications to Use the Servlet Alias

In order for your client applications to use the servlet alias, they must be modified to reference the new URL path and servlet name.

  1. For your client applications, locate and open the files indicated in a text editor:

  2. Change each occurrence of:
    where arcims is the Web application URL prefix specified in step A.5, and ims is the servlet name specified in step C.6. Note: The URL prefix is case-sensitive.

  3. Save and close the modified file(s).

  4. Test each client application to make sure it works with the new servlet path.

E. Restrict the default Servlet Connector and test

To prevent unmodified client applications from accessing your map services, you must restrict access to your original (default) copy of the Servlet Connector. You can do this easily and effectively by enabling authentication in the Esrimap_prop file.

  1. In a text editor, open the Esrimap_prop file in the default Connector directory (typically C:\WebSphere\AppServer\hosts\default_host\default_app\servlets). Change the line:
  2. Save and close the Esrimap_prop file.

  3. Stop and restart the Websphere service. This will cause Websphere to re-load the modified Esrimap_prop file.

  4. Attempt to connect to your ArcIMS server with ArcMap, ArcExplorer, or ArcPad to ensure that these cannot load map services.

This will prevent any connection to map services via the default copy of the Servlet Connector. If a connecting client has not been configured as described in Step D above, the connection will be refused. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

Important note: While authentication is enabled, you will not be able to access your map services in ArcIMS Designer. If you need to use Designer, disable authentication by re-setting authenticate=False and then restart the Websphere service.Once you are done using Designer, re-enable authentication as described above. Additional related information is given in Appendix A of this document.

Appendix A - Additional Notes

This appendix contains additional information on the following topics:

Authentication Options

In each section of this document, step E describes a simple procedure to disable the default Servlet Connector using authentication. Step E intentionally avoids defining valid usernames/passwords for your clients. The goal is to completely disable access to map services, via the default Servlet Connector, for all clients.

Authentication is more typically used to limit access to clients having valid usernames and passwords. If you want to set up authentication this way, you have two options to consider:

Option 1: Configure an Access Control List (ACL) for the default Servlet Connector. Use this option if you want to allow ArcXML-based clients (such as ArcMap) to access map services using a username/password combination.

Note: Once authenticated, ArcXML-based clients will be able to view, query and even save features in your map services, unless other strategies are employed to limit or disable the data sharing functionality of ArcIMS.

For more information on configuring an ACL, see the ArcIMS Help section titled "Restricting Access to MapServices". For more information on other strategies to limit data sharing, see the white paper titled How To Manage the Data Sharing Capabilities of an ArcIMS MapService, available from

Option 2: Configure an ACL for the moved Servlet Connector (the one being deployed in a Web application). Properly modified clients (as described in step D throughout this document) will be able to access mapservices using a valid username/password combination. ArcXML-based clients (such as ArcMap) will attempt to connect through the default Servlet Connector, and will be controlled by the authentication options specified there.

In summary, there are now two places you can configure authentication:

When Uninstalling ArcIMS

When you uninstall ArcIMS, any copies you have made of the Servlet Connector will not be automatically deleted. The following files should be removed manually:

You may also want to remove any Web applications or servlet directories you may have created. In particular, be sure to remove these files and references before upgrading ArcIMS.