The Java Connector is an ArcIMS Connector that allows communication between a Java application, Java Servlet , or a Java Server Pages (JSP) client and an ArcIMS site. The Java Connector is comprised of the Java Connector Object Model and the Java Connector Tag Library and is intended for use in a J2EE (Java2 Enterprise Edition) environment. The Java Connector supports HTTP and HTTPS connections to ArcIMS sites and TCP/IP connections directly to the ArcIMS Application Server. User authentication (for access to restricted services) is supported in both types of connections. ArcIMS administration and metadata support are also exposed in this object model. For more information about the Java Connector, refer to Customizing ArcIMS-Java Connector.
The ArcIMS Service Administrator is a new browser-based multi-platform option for administering your ArcIMS site. You can even perform some basic ArcSDE administration from the same user interface. Developed using the Java Connector Object Model, the ArcIMS Service Administrator offers much of the same functionality available in the standalone Administrator component of ArcIMS and can serve as a remote management tool for your site. For installation details, see ArcIMS Installation Guide. Refer to Using ArcIMS or Managing your site using Service Administrator for specific task instructions.
At this release, you can use ArcIMS, ArcSDE, and ArcCatalog to create a metadata system. ArcIMS provides the mechanism for hosting a Metadata Service, allowing clients to publish to the service as well as search its contents. In addition to creating and authoring metadata in ArcCatalog, now you can use ArcCatalog to publish metadata to an ArcIMS Metadata Service. The published metadata documents are stored in ArcSDE. Creating and Using Metadata Services is your guide to ArcIMS and metadata.
The Metadata Explorer is a Web application that allows you to search and browse the contents of a Metadata Service from a Web browser . Refer to Creating and Using Metadata Services for post-installation configuration steps and instructions for basic tasks.>
These new methods and properties have been added. Details are available in Customizing ArcIMS-ActiveX Connector
· Equality, Label, and Method properties have been added to the ValueMapRenderer and ValueMapLabelRenderer objects in order to match the functionality available in the EXACT, OTHER, and LABEL elements of ArcXML.
· LabelBufferRatio property has been added to the SimpleLabelRenderer and ValueMapLabelRenderer objects. It specifies a buffer around each label in which no other label will be drawn.
· MapDraw property has been added to the Map object to enable or disable map generation.
· TransColor property has been added to the Map object. This property's value can be set equal to the value of the background color in order to get a transparent map image . This property is supported only for PNG and GIF image formats.
· Extract, GetExtractUrl, and GetExtractFile methods, and IsMapExtractable property have been added to the Map object, and NoDefault property has been added to the Layer object. These new methods and properties add functionality similar to ArcXML's GET_EXTRACT element.
Note: the ActiveX Connector is only available on Windows.
A detailed listing of new and revised ArcXML elements for this release is available in the ArcXML Programmer's Reference Guide.
Setting a scale factor on a layer used to cause that layer to be removed from the map and the legend. At this release, setting a scale factor on a layer causes the layer to be removed from the map but it is still displayed in the legend.
A number of changes have been made to optimize the HTML Viewer and add underlying support for integration with the Route Server extension. Refer to Customizing ArcIMS-HTML Viewer for details on these files, functions, and variables.
• buffer.htm, displayAttributeData.htm, displayAttributeDataAll.htm, query.htm, storedquery.htm
Files added to the viewer. Code contained within these files was previously loaded in the viewer at startup in the JavaScript function files. Now, specific code is loaded only when necessary freeing up memory and reducing startup load time.
· addmatch.htm: Modified dynamic creation of input form to exclude x, y, and style input fields.
· aimsBuffer.js: Functions modified-writeBufferForm
· aimsClick.js: Functions modified-clickFunction; mapTool
· aimsCommon.js: Functions modified-getStartExtent; procesStartExtent. Variables added-chkGeocodeLayers;chkRouteLayers; isArcMapService
· aimsGeocode.js: Functions modified-parseGeocodeLayers; parseGeocodeResults. Variables added-geocodeAppMode;SdcGeocodeStyle
· aimsIdentify.js: Functions modified -displayAttributeData;displayAttributeDataforDrill
· aimsLayers.js: Functions modified-getLayers
· aimsQuery.js: Functions modified-writeQueryForm; writeStoredQueryForm. Functions added-compare;parseFieldSamplesUnique
· aimsXML.js: Functions added-getHost; getService; htmlSendToServer; jspSendToServer. Functions removed-writeBlankMapXML. Functions modified-processXML;writeXML. Variables added-requestMethod
· ArcIMSparam.js: Variables added-autoAdjustForArcMapServer; bottomBarColor;bottomBarOutline; bottomBarHeight; CopyRightShadow; CopyRightShadowColor;drawBottomBar; drawScaleBar2; esriBlurb; : geocodePointType; onlyUniqueSamples;queryCaseInsensitive; ScaleBar2Background; ScaleBar2BackColor; ScaleBar2Color;ScaleBar2Font; ScaleBar2FontColor; ScaleBar2Precision; ScaleBar2Round;ScaleBar2Size; ScaleBar2Style; ScaleBar2Units; ScaleBar2Width; useRoute
· MapFrame.htm: Variables added-aimsRoutePresent
· viewer.htm: Variables added-connectorType
A number of new property,,, and now included in ArcIMS. They support new features such as the ArcIMS Service Administrator, Metadata Explorer, and restricted services through the Java Connector. In addition, some existing property files now include new parameters. While a listing of these new parameters is provided below, please refer to Administering property files here in Help or the property file itself for details.
· Parameters added-LogSize; metadataPublishTimeout;preferenceFile
· Parameters added-monitorName; recycleSpatialServer.delay;recycleSpatialServer.period; recycleSpatialServer.schedule.days; recycleSpatialServer.schedule.times;recycleSpatialServer.scheme; sdePropertiesFilename;
Two new servers were added to the Spatial Server. These support the ArcMap Server extension and the metadata capabilities within ArcIMS. Additionally, pixel values can now be determined through raster pixel query, and raster rendering capabilities based on pixel values have been added.
Added support for WMS 1.1 Specification
Zipped Serialization files (*.sez)
The EsriMap_Catalog.ser and EsriMap_Cookies.ser files that were used to store configuration properties for your site in previous versions of ArcIMS have been replaced by ArcIMSSite.sez and ArcIMSFolders.sez respectively at this release. This change was needed to support XML serialization. This release includes a SerConverter Utility that will convert your previous *ser files to the required *sez files. For more information, refer to ArcIMS Installation Guide.
ArcIMS ArcMap Server is an optional extension to ArcIMS that allows users to create maps in ArcMap, rather than ArcIMS Author or Manager, and serve them over the Internet via an ArcIMS Web site . Services created using the ArcMap Server, called ArcMap Image Services, can be viewed using any of the clients available to ArcIMS Image and Feature Services-ArcGIS, ArcExplorer, ArcPad, ArcIMS Java Viewer, ArcIMS HTML Viewer and custom clients. ArcMap Server offers ArcIMS users the advanced cartographic capabilities of ArcMap, and ArcGIS users a way to author a map once and serve it in a number of different fashions. Access to ArcMap Server functionality is governed through a license manager and license file or keycode. ArcMap Server is only available on Windows. For details, contact your ESRI Regional Office or International Distributor.
The ArcIMS Route Server extension is currently available for use with both ArcIMS 3.1 and ArcIMS 4.0. The latter is an updated version to ensure compatibility with the release of ArcIMS 4.0. No changes to Route Server functionality were introduced in the new version. For details, contact your ESRI Regional Office or International Distributor.
While any number of Web server /servlet engine combinations can be used with ArcIMS, an installable version of ServletExec, New Atlanta's award-winning servlet engine is available on the Windows CD-ROM. You can learn more about ServletExec or install it immediately from the "/servletexec" directory on the CD.