What's New in ArcXML 1.1 for ArcIMS 4.0

Posted: May 3, 2002

ArcXML 1.1 has several new elements and attributes. The new or changed features are described below. New elements were added to support the Metadata and ArcMap Servers. In addition, some elements were added for supporting some new functionality with raster images.

New Documents and Examples

Several documents have been added to the ArcXML 1.1 introductory section that provide comprehensive explanations and additional examples on the ArcMap Server:

New Elements to support the Metadata Server

The following elements have been added to support the Metadata Server. For more information on using the Metadata Server, see Creating and Using Metadata Services.

These elements are used to publish metadata documents to the Metadata Server.

These elements are used to browse metadata documents that have been published to the Metadata Server.

These elements are used in metadata configuration files.

New Elements to support the ArcMap Server

The following elements have been added to support the ArcMap Server.  Additional information on using the ArcMap Server elements can be found in the introductory section of this guide.

The following elements have new attributes to support the ArcMap Server.

New Elements to support raster images (Image Server only)

The following elements can be used in map configuration files to classify image pixel values.

The following element can be used to turn off image generalization.

New Elements to support identifying raster pixel values (Image and ArcMap Servers)

The following elements can be used to identify the value of a pixel in an Image or ArcMap Image Service.

Elements with Child Elements

The following elements has new child elements. Only the new elements are listed here:

Elements with New Attributes

The following element has new attributes. Only the new attributes are listed here:

Elements with New Attribute Values

The following elements have new attribute values. Only the new attribute values are listed here:

Deprecated Elements

The following elements have been deprecated in ArcIMS 4.0. You can still use them, but ArcIMS 4.0 is the last version they will be supported.