SERVICE  Examples

Used in:  Application Server RESPONSE   Application Server Administration  
Parent elements:  SERVICES  

<SERVICE Attribute Description Table

     When parent element is SERVICES in ADMINCMD while adding a Feature Service:
     axl ="string"
     name ="string"
     type ="add"
     vsname ="string"

     When parent element is SERVICES in ADMINCMD while adding an Image or ArcMap Image Service:
     axl ="string"
     cleanup ="integer"
     imgloc ="string"
     imgurl ="string"
     vsname ="string"
     imgtype ="JPG | PNG8 | PNG | GIF"  [JPG]

     When parent element is SERVICES in ADMINCMD while adding an Image Service:
     imagememory ="1-NNN"
     name ="string"
     type ="add"

     When parent element is SERVICES in ADMINCMD while removing, starting, or stopping an ArcIMS service:
     name ="string"
     type ="remove | start | stop"

     When parent element is SERVICES in Application Server RESPONSE:
     access ="PUBLIC | PRIVATE"
     name ="string"
     servicegroup ="string"
     status ="ENABLED | DISABLED"
     type ="string"

     When parent element is SERVICES in ADMINCMD:
          No Child Elements

     When parent element is SERVICES in Application Server RESPONSE:
     <CLEANUP... />
     <ENVIRONMENT... />

Bold: Attribute or child element is required.




Attribute Descriptions for SERVICE:

When parent element is SERVICES in ADMINCMD while adding a Feature Service:
Attribute Usage Back to Top
axl Full pathname to map configuration file.
name Name of ArcIMS service. Service names are case sensitive.
type Type of action on service.
vsname Virtual Server name for assigning ArcIMS service.

When parent element is SERVICES in ADMINCMD while adding an Image or ArcMap Image Service:
Attribute Usage Back to Top
axl Full pathname to map configuration file or ArcMap document.
cleanup Interval for the number of minutes between the deletion of image files from the Output directory.
imgloc Full pathname to Output directory for generated map and legend images.
imgtype Image format for the output map images.
imgurl URL to Output directory for generated map and legend images.
vsname Virtual Server name for assigning ArcIMS service.

When parent element is SERVICES in ADMINCMD while adding an Image Service:
Attribute Usage Back to Top
imagememory Maximum size of map image allowed in megabytes. A one megabyte image is approximately 512 x 512 pixels, or 262144 pixels total.
name Name of ArcIMS service. Service names are case sensitive.
type Type of action on service.

When parent element is SERVICES in ADMINCMD while removing, starting, or stopping an ArcIMS service:
Attribute Usage Back to Top
name Name of ArcIMS service. Service names are case sensitive.
type Type of action on service.

When parent element is SERVICES in Application Server RESPONSE:
Attribute Usage Back to Top
access Access type of the Virtual Server. PUBLIC means that the Virtual Server and ArcIMS service can be accessed directly by requests from a client. By default, Image, Feature, ArcMap, and Metadata Servers are public. When access is PRIVATE, Virtual Servers are accessed by redirecting requests from a public server to a private one. Private virtual servers include Geocode, Query, and Extract Servers.
name Name of service running on host machine.
servicegroup Virtual Server name to which the specified ArcIMS service belongs.
status Identifies if service is currently running or not.
type Virtual Server type to which the specified ArcIMS service belongs.

Examples for SERVICE:

Example 1: An ADMINCMD XML file for adding and starting an ArcIMS service from the command line. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ADMINCMD version="1.0">
    <SERVICE type="add" name="world_image"
          imgtype="JPG" />

    <SERVICE type="start" name="world_image" />

    <SERVICE type="add" name="world_arcmap"
          imgtype="JPG" />

    <SERVICE type="start" name="world_arcmap" />

    <SERVICE type="add" name="world_feature"

    <SERVICE type="start" name="world_feature" />


Example 2: An ADMINCMD XML file for stopping and deleting an ArcIMS service from the command line. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ADMINCMD version="1.0">
    <SERVICE type="stop" name="world_image" />
    <SERVICE type="remove" name="world_image" />

Example 3: When in an application server RESPONSE to GETCLIENTSERVICES. Back to Top
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
    <SERVICE name="world_feature" servicegroup="FeatureServer1" access="PUBLIC" type="FeatureServer" desc=""  status="ENABLED" >
        <LOCALE country="US" language="en" />
        <UIFONT name="Arial" />
      <CLEANUP interval="20" />
    <SERVICE name="world_image" servicegroup="ImageServer1" access="PUBLIC" type="ImageServer" desc=""  status="ENABLED" >
        <LOCALE country="US" language="en" />
        <UIFONT name="Arial" />
      <CLEANUP interval="20" />