POLYGON | Examples |
<POLYGON | Attribute
Description Table |
When parent element is FIELDVALUE, FEATURE, SPATIALFILTER, OBJECT: No Attributes When parent element is OBJECT: coords ="x1 y1;...xn yn" > When parent element is FIELDVALUE, FEATURE, SPATIALFILTER, OBJECT: (m) <RING... /> When parent element is OBJECT: <GRADIENTFILLSYMBOL... /> [Or] <HASHLINESYMBOL... /> [Or] <RASTERFILLSYMBOL... /> [Or] <RASTERMARKERSYMBOL... /> [Or] <SIMPLELINESYMBOL... /> [Or] <SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL... /> [Or] <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL... /> [Or] <TRUETYPEMARKERSYMBOL... /> [Or] </POLYGON > | |
Bold: Attribute or child element is
required. (m): Child element can be used multiple times. |
Attribute | Usage | Back to Top |
coords | X,y coordinates representing a line. Coordinate x,y values are separated by white space, and coordinate pairs are separated by a semicolon by default. The separators can be changed by using SEPARATORS. |
Example 1: When using POLYGON in acetate layers. | Back to Top |
<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <REQUEST> <GET_IMAGE> <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-180.0" miny="-90.0" maxx="180.0" maxy="90.0" /> <IMAGESIZE width="800" height="600" /> </PROPERTIES> <LAYER type="acetate" name="acetate" id="acetate"> <OBJECT units="pixel"> <POLYGON coords="10 10;400 10;400 20;10 20;10 10"> <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="255,255,0" /> </POLYGON> </OBJECT> </LAYER> <LAYER type="acetate" name="acetate1" id="acetate1"> <OBJECT units="database"> <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="0,255,0" /> <POLYGON> <RING> <POINT x="83.15605550814075" y="38.07185101549165" /> <POINT x="111.09942196116728" y="-4.70645066589869" /> <POINT x="155.1079549837513" y="-10.38915084069517" /> <POINT x="139.1079549837513" y="66.38915084069517" /> <POINT x="83.15605550814075" y="38.07185101549165" /> <HOLE> <POINT x="100.15605550814075" y="20.07185101549165" /> <POINT x="103.09942196116728" y="30.70645066589869" /> <POINT x="106.1079549837513" y="30.38915084069517" /> <POINT x="100.15605550814075" y="20.07185101549165" /> </HOLE> </RING> </POLYGON> </OBJECT> </LAYER> </GET_IMAGE> </REQUEST> </ARCXML> |
Example 2: When in an acetate layer in CONFIG. | Back to Top |
<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8"?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <CONFIG> <ENVIRONMENT> <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" /> <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" /> <SCREEN dpi="96" /> </ENVIRONMENT> <MAP> <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-141.003006" miny="41.913319" maxx="-52.620281" maxy="83.108322" name="Initial_Extent" /> <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" /> <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" /> <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/> </PROPERTIES> <WORKSPACES> <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-16" directory="<path to CANADA ESRIDATA>" /> </WORKSPACES> <LAYER type="featureclass" name="province" visible="true" id="0"> <DATASET name="province" type="polygon" workspace="shp_ws-16" /> <SIMPLERENDERER> <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="227,127,227" filltype="solid" /> </SIMPLERENDERER> </LAYER> <LAYER type="acetate" name="Selectedmark" id="acetate"> <OBJECT units="pixel"> <POLYGON coords="0 0;400 0;400 13;0 13;0 0"> <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="0,0,0" /> </POLYGON> </OBJECT> </LAYER> </MAP> </CONFIG> </ARCXML> |
Example 3: When in an acetate layer in a GET_IMAGE request. | Back to Top |
<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8"?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <REQUEST> <GET_IMAGE> <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" /> <IMAGESIZE width="643" height="502" /> </PROPERTIES> <LAYER type="acetate" name="acetate" id="acetate"> <OBJECT units="pixel"> <POLYGON coords="0 0;400 0;400 13;0 13;0 0"> <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="255,255,0" /> </POLYGON> </OBJECT> </LAYER> </GET_IMAGE> </REQUEST> </ARCXML> |
Example 4: When in SPATIALFILTER in CONFIG or REQUEST. | Back to Top |
<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8"?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <REQUEST> <GET_IMAGE> <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" /> <IMAGESIZE width="643" height="502" /> </PROPERTIES> <LAYER type="featureclass" name="select layer" visible="true" id="selected"> <DATASET fromlayer="countries" /> <SPATIALQUERY> <SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection"> <POLYGON> <RING> <POINT x="83.15605550814075" y="38.07185101549165" /> <POINT x="111.09942196116728" y="-4.70645066589869" /> <POINT x="155.1079549837513" y="-10.38915084069517" /> <POINT x="139.1079549837513" y="66.38915084069517" /> <POINT x="83.15605550814075" y="38.07185101549165" /> </RING> </POLYGON> </SPATIALFILTER> </SPATIALQUERY> <SIMPLERENDERER> <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="0,0,0" filltype="cross" /> </SIMPLERENDERER> </LAYER> </GET_IMAGE> </REQUEST> </ARCXML> |
Example 5: When in MARKUP. | Back to Top |
version="1.0"?> <MARKUP> <WORKSPACES> <FEATURESERVERWORKSPACE name="ifs_ws-0" url="http://mycomputer.domain.com/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap" service="world" /> </WORKSPACES> <MARKUPLAYER layername="Countries" workspace="ifs_ws-0"> <ADDEDFEATURES> <FEATURE featureid="1000000"> <ENVELOPE minx="-35.92572247220596" miny="-48.809104594884616" maxx="-5.291989044369359" maxy="-21.047283675907693" /> <FIELD name="AREA" precision="3" size="12" type="8" /> <FIELD name="NAME" precision="0" size="40" type="12" /> <FIELD name="ABBREVNAME" precision="0" size="12" type="12" /> <FIELD name="FIPS_CODE" precision="0" size="2" type="12" /> <FIELD name="WB_CNTRY" precision="0" size="3" type="12" /> <FIELD name="#SHAPE#" precision="0" size="0" type="-98"> <FIELDVALUE> <POLYGON> <RING> <POINT x="-19.17289950385782" y="-21.047283675907693" /> <POINT x="-35.92572247220596" y="-38.2787587290658" /> <POINT x="-10.078509892468816" y="-48.809104594884616" /> <POINT x="-5.291989044369359" y="-24.397848269577324" /> <POINT x="-19.17289950385782" y="-21.047283675907693" /> </RING> </POLYGON> </FIELDVALUE> </FIELD> </FEATURE> </ADDEDFEATURES> </MARKUPLAYER> </MARKUP> |