Page 162 - Mapping the Nation: Taking Climate Action
P. 162

Mapping to Protect Natural Heritage and Biodiversity in South Carolina To understand the complex variables and changes in natural cycles that impact threatened species, conservationists are using sophisticated mapping techniques and GIS technology. Consider the gopher tortoise and its unique relationship with forest fires. The gopher tortoise is resilient to the occasional forest fire because the long tunnels it digs and inhabits 10 feet underground are fortified enough to withstand the smoke, flames, and burning debris. Maintaining this subterranean lifestyle requires specific habitat conditions. The sandy soils of the pine savannas found throughout the southeastern United States are particularly welcoming. Over time, as the pine trees grow, the forest density threatens the vegetation the tortoises eat. Before major human contact, naturally occurring forest fires—often caused by lightning strikes—would help preserve this understory vegetation.  161 

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