Page 165 - Mapping the Nation: Taking Climate Action
P. 165

Starting "a Ripple Effect" with Enterprise GIS The success of the South Carolina Natural Heritage Program's portal has already paid dividends in increased efficiency. Lemeris estimates the tool has quadrupled the number of requests the office can process. The ease of use also encourages more developers to submit requests for data. "I think there were a lot of people who weren't submitting projects to us because it was slow, and every day is more money," Lemeris said, "and also because it wasn't made very easy for them." Other offices within SCDNR, as well as other state natural heritage programs, have also taken notice. "There's been a ripple effect," Arrington said. "The original understanding of the technology was through desktop GIS. But now that more people have seen what enterprise GIS is capable of, it's opened new opportunities within the agency. They're saying, ‘Well, if it works for the Heritage Program, why can't we give it a try?' They've seen the benefits firsthand, and that's very powerful."  A male eastern black rail offers an insect to a female during courtship. Photo courtesy of Christy Hand/SCDNR.  164 Biodiversity 

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